November 15, 2017

A European analyst looks at the trends on floods of African immigrants into Europe

Hungary is one of the few nations in Europe that seems to understand the existential threat posed by mass immigration of Africans to European nations.  And they've decided they don't want to go along.

In case some of my student readers may not be acquainted with the term, an "existential threat" is one that, if you don't counter it, has a good chance of killing you--or your society, which some Americans feel would be a bad thing.

(Interestingly, I'm seeing signs that growing numbers of white Americans have bought into the "Whites are evil so we should just kill ourselves" bullshit.  There's a serious existential threat right there..)

Recently a Hungarian analyst explained why his analysis pointed to the dire nature of the threat of mass immigration:  First, if present trends continue--which is certainly open to debate--the number of Africans illegally entering Europe each year could approach 2 million.  And there is no indication that any of the EU politicians or national leaders (except Hungary, Poland and possibly Austria) are willing to reduce this flood.

But there's a bigger problem than immigration alone:  The birthrate for native Europeans has been falling for years, and is now far below replacement level of just over 2 children per couple.  It's now about 1.4.  By contrast Africans-almost all Muslims--are having 4, 5 or 6 children per woman.  
Unless you're a science or math or finance major this may not strike you as being very significant--but it is.

This is easily seen in the well-known equation for "exponential growth:"  It's P(t)=P(o)e^rt where P is population, r is the growth rate and t is time.

A few minutes of playing with this equation will show that the "doubling time" for African immigrants could be as short as 17 years.

Also, following the trend in every advanced nation, European women are waiting longer to have their first (and often only) child, partly because many want to finish college and grad-school, and partly because they want to have fun and be free for a decade or so before settling down.  This trend shows no sign of reversing.

By contrast, Muslim women and girls--few of whom enter post-secondary education, and even fewer being allowed by medieval Islamic rules to be "social butterflies"--have their first child at a much younger age, which contributes to a higher overall "fertility rate."

Short answer:  Many EU countries are likely to be majority-Muslim by 2050.

And given typical apathy among voters, well before then Muslims will be able to elect either Muslim or pro-Muslim politicians.  When that happens, any tiny moves to reduce the immigrant flood will be dismantled.  Sharia law will become the norm.  Increasing numbers of government employees and officials--particularly in police and intelligence agencies--will be Muslims.

If you're fine with that for your kids, no problem.  Surely they'll be able to adjust, right?  And for liberals, Democrats, socialists and marxists, living under Islam is certainly a more attractive notion than living in a Christian society.


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