November 09, 2017

Democrats have controlled Baltimore schools for decades. Results?

A basic principle of...well, that rational people judge the soundness of policies by their results:  If a policy produces good results, it's a good policy and vice-versa.

Most conservatives understand this very basic principle.

Unfortunately most Democrats don't.  To Dems, what matters are "good intentions," "diversity" and politically-correct thinking.

As a result, when cities have been controlled--ruled--by Democrats for decades, they almost always have crappy schools, overpaid government rulers, lousy streets, high crime--you name it.

A recent example of horrible mismanagement by Democrats can be found in Baltimore's schools:  A group named "Project Baltimore" analyzed state test results for highschool students for the academic year that ended in May.  They found that one-third of the high schools in that city had no students proficient in math.

At first I thought that had to be a typo.  But sure enough, 13 of the city's highschools didn't have a single students who tested "proficient" in math.

In six other schools only 1% of the students were math-proficient.

Of 3804 students in the lousiest schools, only 14 were proficient in math.

On the positive side, Baltimore scores very high marks for diversity:  Only 28% of the population is white.

Of course you don't live in Baltimore, so how does that city's woeful performance affect you?  Well, Democrats want to regain control of congress and the White House.  Next election, ask yourself if you want the entire U.S. to replicate Baltimore's performance.


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