November 14, 2017

Teacher suspended after accidentally saying "Well done, girls." Mom complains her kid has...

A teacher in the U.K has been suspended and could be fired after he accidentally called a transgender pupil a girl in class when the female student has said she wants to be called a boy.

When Joshua Sutcliffe saw two girls working hard, he said "Well done, girls."  The girl-who-wants-to-be-a-boy corrected Sutcliffe, who apologized.  But six weeks later, after the girl’s mother lodged a complaint, he was suspended from teaching.

If you commit the horrible offense of accidentally referring to a girl as a girl when her mother wants everyone to pretend she is a boy, apologizing won’t save you.

Following an investigation, he has been summoned to a formal disciplinary hearing this week to face misconduct charges for ‘misgendering’.

Sutcliffe has also been accused of another offensive behavior:  referring to the student by name rather than using masculine pronouns that the insane PC morons demand he use to refer to a girl.

And here is the key to the entire transgender jihad:  It isn't enough to merely stay quiet--the trans-jihadists demand that everyone actively reject sanity and agree, in effect, that 2+2=5, by using biologically wrong pronouns. 

Once they get you to refer to Bruce Jenner or Bradley Manning as “she,” they own you. You have quietly bowed to their demand that 2 + 2 = 5 if they say so, and thus have signaled your willingness to agree to any other tyrannical lunacy they may impose.

As noted at the top, this outrage happened in the U.K.  But if you think the moonbat liberals who run the schools and the Deep State government aren't trying as hard as they can to impose the same rules here, you're naive. 

H/T Moonbattery.


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