The leaders of the Democrat party have decided we don't need honest elections. The motto of Virginia is "Sic semper tyrannis," and it shows a pic of Lady Justice standing on a dead tyrant. A fair translation is "Death to tyrants." Of course that was then. We're...more evolved now.
October 18, 2017
Breaking: FBI knew about Russian bribery plot before Obama regime approved uranium sale to them
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow
The story concerns a deal the emperor's lackeys made--barely over a year into his first term--to sell uranium leases in the U.S. to a Canadian company--which promptly sold them to RossAtom, the Russian nuclear agency. The deal reportedly covered 15 to 20 percent of U.S. uranium deposits. When the deal was made public, a handful of conservatives pointed out its obvious stupidity, and started asking who, exactly, approved the deal...and why. Turns out 16 government agencies--including Hilliary's State Department--needed to approve the deal for it to take effect. So naturally a big question was who at each of those agencies approved it? Most Americans not on the Left would likely think a deal to transfer of 15 to 20 percent of U.S. uranium leases to the Russians would be considered crucial to national security, and thus would require careful analysis, and could only be approved by the head of each agency. So a natural question was, who at Hilliary's State Department signed off on the thing? This question took on more significance when it was discovered that one of the principals in the Canadian company--Frank Giustra--donated $31.3 million
to the Clinton Foundation. Later Mr. Giustra’s publicly pledged to donat another $100 million to the Foundation. (Source: NY Times, January 31, 2008.) Of course Barack Hussein Obama wasn't yet president. Instead the front-runner at that time was...Hilliary Clinton. But the final deal was only approved in 2013, when Hilliary was Secretary of State.
Can you say "Conflict of interest"? You'd think that when it came to reviewing and approving a deal with such a potentially huge impact on U.S. interests, any approval could not have been made below the top level. And you'd think the identity of the person who approved it would be easy to determine, eh? Hahahaha! You'll be amazed to learn that to all appearances Hilliary didn't seem to have had any involvement with either the review or the approval of the deal. Say what?? A critical-to-national-security deal, and she didn't know about it? Didn't one of her aides see fit to tell her about the deal and its security ramifications? No one is talking. But a dogged reporter managed to find a guy at State who claimed to have been the approving authority. He was so far down the organizational chart that no one really knew who he was. But sure, that makes perfect sense, right? Approving the sale of 15 or 20 percent of U.S. uranium leases to Russia was so trivial that it could be left to some non-entity. I mean, happened every day with Hilliary's State Department, right? Okay, now for the latest developments: Turns out the FBI--including then-director Robert Mueller and all his holdover assistants--had solid evidence of Russian bribery surrounding this deal before it was approved, but didn't say a word to anyone. Cuz hey, not their job. Not anybody's job. Cuz they all were strong Hilliary supporters, so whatever she was involved with, everyone looked the other way. Most transparent administration evah! But now there's another mystery: Why did The Hill--which has always supported Democrats and run endless stories supporting them--run this story that would tend to elicit at least mild criticism of them? Don't know, but one thing sure is that this is what lawyers call an "admission against interest," which gives it a lot more credibility that the same claim from an opponent. I don't believe for a second that the Hill has switched sides, which leaves only a couple of plausible reasons: One is that they knew the story was about to get out anyway, possibly from the hundreds of new pages of docs that Judicial Watch has managed to pry loose from the FBI. If true, far better to get out there early, so that when it breaks elsewhere the Dems can claim it's "old news."
Ex-AF pilot. While airliners are very safe, flying a single-pilot jet can be extremely demanding, especially in bad weather. It's a *huge* tribute to engineers that today's commercial jetliners are so amazingly safe!
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