August 24, 2017

Time once again to play "Fact or Fake?"

A week ago Joshua Witt pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant in Colorado. 

As he got out of his car a man yelled "Are you one o' them neo-Nazis?"  The man then swung a knife at Witt's head.

Witt threw his hand up to block the blow and was seriously cut on both hands, but then managed to jump back in his car and slam the door.  The man ran away.

Now you get to play CNN producer.  Here are your options for how to deal with this story:
  1. It never happened.  The pics Joshua Witt posted on his Fakebook page are photoshops.  Everyone knows the tolerant members of Antifa and BLM would never be violent.
  2. IF it happened--and to be clear, we at CNN highly doubt it did--we suspect the attack was really a "false flag" operation, with the attacker actually a right-wing supremacist who was trying to make Antifa and BLM look bad.
  3. We looked up "Joshua Witt" in the phone book, and he doesn't exist.


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