August 20, 2017

Bill Maher, Democrat propagandist

On Friday Bill Maher commented about the violence in Charlottesville.

Recall that every one of the rat-bastards in the Lying Mainstream Media blasted Trump for condemning violence "on all sides."  The media implied--though they very carefully didn't explicitly state--that all the violence came from one side only: from those protesting the removal of the statue of General Robert E. Lee from the park once named for him.

Like everyone who watched the hours and hours of rerun video of the fighting, Maher has to know his claim is bullshit.  So he elides the truth by joking that "liberals don’t form militias, they form drum circles.”

Gotta admit that's actually pretty funny.  But Maher can't let the joke go without complaining that "Trump kept saying, ‘There’s violence on both sides.’ [But] there wasn’t."

Bill, you lying sack of crap, I watched the endlessly-repeated videos for hours, and both sides were throwing punches.  To say that only one side was violent insults everyone's intelligence.  Oh that's right--your viewers believe your crap, without question.  Mission accomplished.

Maher completed his mission by adding that even if there was violence on both sides in Charlottesville, it doesn’t matter...because he compared Antifa and BLM to American soldiers in WW2.

Naturally you don't believe that, so here's the quote: "...because there was violence in World War II and the Allies were still the good guys."

I hate lying sons of bitches like Maher.


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