Muslim terror attack in Barcelona bumps The Narrative off the headlines; Media will fix that soon
"The Narrative" is like the Matrix--it's what the Democrats and their media allies want you to believe. Examples:
But once in a great while events can overwhelm the Narrative. It's called burn-through, which is what happens when a radio signal is stronger than the power of a jamming station.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the van attack on a popular tourist venue in Barcelona that killed 13 dead and injured 100.
Suddenly the war on statues has been bumped off the front pages by Islamic terrorism.
Oooh, can't have that. And you may be certain that the Mainstream Media will do their best to get us back to The Narrative. Cuz the Media know that if Americans see terrorism as a problem, the Media loses. The Media desperately, intensely want you to believe that Trump and America-first policies are the greatest threat to your well-being. may be certain that the Barcelona attack will quickly disappear from the headlines, replaced by Russia Russia RUSSIA! Or infighting by members of the White House staff.
Or that Trump is about to start a nuclear exchange with that peace-loving fellow who runs North Korea.
Wolf Blitzer is already on video wondering (i.e. trying to get you to consider it plausible) whether the vehicle attack that killed 13 in Barcelona was--listen carefully--a copycat of what happened in Charlottesville.
Naturally you don't believe that. You don't believe it because you can't believe any reasonable facsimile of a human could make such an absurd statement. Well, click here to read the story. And it's not from some right-wing source, but from the totally Left-wing Huffington Post. And since it represents an "admission against interest," it's a lot more reliable.
I really, really hate the Lying Mainstream Media. And the party they work for.
- The Dem National Committee was hacked by the Russians.
- Mueller will conduct an impartial investigation.
- One must have "intent" in order to be prosecuted for violating laws for compromising classified material.
- Anyone who protests the removal of statues of Robert E. Lee must be a white supremacist and raaaacist.
But once in a great while events can overwhelm the Narrative. It's called burn-through, which is what happens when a radio signal is stronger than the power of a jamming station.
are powerful but not omnipotent. For example, the public is all to willing to believe the narrative that all attacks by Muslims after 9/11 were carried out by "lone wolves." But that only works when such attacks are fairly infrequent. But if such attacks happen too frequently, the Narrative fails and the public begins
to wonder if the attacks are really being triggered by a central authority.
Even the immense resources at the disposal of the mainstream media--thus at the disposal of Democrats--can be overcome by a
strong enough signal from events. And in this case...
Suddenly the war on statues has been bumped off the front pages by Islamic terrorism.
Oooh, can't have that. And you may be certain that the Mainstream Media will do their best to get us back to The Narrative. Cuz the Media know that if Americans see terrorism as a problem, the Media loses. The Media desperately, intensely want you to believe that Trump and America-first policies are the greatest threat to your well-being. may be certain that the Barcelona attack will quickly disappear from the headlines, replaced by Russia Russia RUSSIA! Or infighting by members of the White House staff.
Or that Trump is about to start a nuclear exchange with that peace-loving fellow who runs North Korea.
Wolf Blitzer is already on video wondering (i.e. trying to get you to consider it plausible) whether the vehicle attack that killed 13 in Barcelona was--listen carefully--a copycat of what happened in Charlottesville.
Naturally you don't believe that. You don't believe it because you can't believe any reasonable facsimile of a human could make such an absurd statement. Well, click here to read the story. And it's not from some right-wing source, but from the totally Left-wing Huffington Post. And since it represents an "admission against interest," it's a lot more reliable.
I really, really hate the Lying Mainstream Media. And the party they work for.
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