Illegal alien released from jail for beating g/f despite ICE detainer kills g/f two weeks later
Ah, the Lying Mainstream Media--slanting stories (amusingly called "the news") to favor Democrats, communism and illegals since 1882.
Latest example is from lovely Santa Rosa, CA, where an illegal alien turned himself in to the police, saying he had beaten his girlfriend and believed she might be dead. So here's how the Santa Rosa "Press Democrat" headlined the story:
ICE flagged Santa Rosa man two weeks before he allegedly killed girlfriend
Here's a summary of the first five 'grafs of the Press Democrat's story:1. They identify the killer as a "Santa Rosa man," when he's actually an illegal--but of course they don't want you to know that, cuz Democrats. They also note that the killer was "flagged by federal immigration authorities while in custody early this month."
Whoa! The guy was in custody earlier in the month? I smell a rat.
2. Nery Israel Estrada-Margos turned himself in, telling authorities he had beaten his girlfriend after an argument and feared she might be dead.
3. Officers found her body.
4. Estrada-Margos was booked on murder charges August 18th.
5. Estrada-Margos had been arrested two weeks earlier for domestic battery after his girlfriend reported that he beat her on July 31st.
Wait...the guy was jailed on August 2nd for beating his girlfriend, but was released...only to beat her to death two weeks later? WTF?
5, continued: While he was in jail, federal Immigration and Customs officials contacted jail officials and asked to be notified when he was released.
6. Estrada-Margos posted $30,000 bail on Aug. 3. The Sheriff’s Office notified ICE that day of his release, but federal agents did not come to the jail to pick him up.
So, according to the Lying Mainstream Media the reason the guy was able to go from jail to killing his girlfriend two weeks later was that ICE simply did not pick him up, even though the sheriff's office notified them! So hey, don't blame our sheriff, or California's rat-bastard legislature--which has actually passed a law barring local law enforcement from cooperating with federal authorities.
So blame it on the feds. Yeh, dat's da ticket!
Now here's what the Lying rat-bastards cunningly omitted from the story: The rat-bastard sheriff notified ICE that they were about to release the admitted killer at 8:20 p.m. The same sheriff’s office then released Mr. Estrada 16 minutes later.
This is exactly what critics of "sanctuary city/state" policies warned would happen: Local cops have a bad guy in jail, ICE tells locals they want to take custody of the guy ("detainer"). Following the orders of their political masters, locals ignore the feds and release the guy--only to have him kill someone.
Hey, great work, Democrat assholes! Now if the illegal would just start killing Democrat politicians or their immediate family members, they'd get the point pretty damn quick. But that's statistically unlikely, so it's not gonna get better unless voters get sick of 'em.
But when you consider that only a few dozen or few scores of voters each year lose family members to illegals who were released despite an ICE detainer, the Dems won't lose enough votes to matter.
Sure sucks to have a family member killed by one, though.
Great policy, Democrats. Hope you sleep well at night knowing what you've unleashed. Ah, but you won't ever admit your policy is crap. You'll blame Trump, or Republican-fueled gridlock in congress, or global
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