May 22, 2016

Leo DeCaprio jets from Cannes to NY to pick up an environmental award, then 4,000 miles back to Cannes a day later

Leo DeCaprio firmly believes human activity is fatally warming the Earth.  In fact in his Oscar acceptance speech he said, “Climate change is real. It is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species.”

This firmly demonstrated Leo's virtuous right-thinking to all his peers in Hollywood and Cannes and Davos and similar liberal enclaves.  There can be no doubt that he's one of the most virtuous, politically-correct people on the planet.  Yay Leo!

In fact, he's so damn virtuous that the folks who organized the "Riverkeeper Fishermen’s Ball" (a clean-water advocacy group) in New York City decided to give him an award for his right-thinking and devotion to the global warming cause.

Leo was so determined to show his virtue that he jetted from Cannes (he was at their annual film festival) to NYC, picked up the award, then jetted back to Cannes the next day to keep partying attend amfAR’s "Cinema Against AIDS" gala, where he gave a speech.

Wow, what a guy!  Jets 8,000 miles to demonstrate the absolutely crucial problem that global warming--a deadly threat that's surely gonna destroy life on earth--is caused humans burning fossil fuels.  (Yes, liberals, jets fuel comes from oil.)

This guy is a true liberal hero.


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