April 13, 2014

Profile in courage--from a young American woman

The young lady in the clip below has more courage than 99 percent of Americans not in the armed forces.

In the clip she notes that increasingly over the last ten years U.S. law enforcement officers at all levels have been directed to use force--sometimes deadly force--to get peaceful, non-threatening Americans to obey some POS regulation written by some bureaucrat.

Not even enforcing a duly-passed LAW (as if the rulers give a shit about the rule of law anymore) but merely some *regulation* passed with virtually no input from "the governed."

Anyway, the gal asks LEOs "If your bosses order you to use deadly force on peaceful Americans, will you obey?"  She then goes on to note that if the answer is yes, how are you any different from the Chinese government thugs who slaughtered protesters in Tien an Min square, or Gestapo (the Nazi security police)?

To fall back on the excuse "I don't make the law, I just enforce it" is exactly what got lots of "good Nazis" death sentences after the war.  That is, enforcing unjust laws isn't an acceptable excuse.

Take a look.  The gal has courage.

Here's her website.


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