June 13, 2012

Dem rep proposes bill outlawing using a gun to defend yourself

They say hard cases make bad law. And here's an example, from that liberal rag The Hill:

The Democratic representative from Trayvon Martin’s district says she will propose legislation "repealing the nation's 'stand your ground' laws," which liberals are attacking following the shooting death of the Florida teenager earlier this year.

Let that sink in for a moment. First, a federal law wouldn't "repeal" dozens of state laws--something the folks running The Hill either know or should have known. A fed law might *nullify* or override state law, but it most certainly doesn't "repeal" one. But "repeal" sounds so much nicer than "override," hence the use.

Second: Although the bill the Democrat is considering probably wouldn't pass, that's not the point. Rather, the point is that the fact that a U.S. congressperson would even *consider* such a bill should chill all of us. Because it would mean if you were attacked by a much stronger foe, or an armed one, by law you couldn't use a gun to defend yourself.

Again, I realize it's most unlikely that such a bill would ever become law, but that's not the point. And further, did any of you believe a law would pass requiring you to buy health insurance? Giving control of General Motors to the unions? Taking Chrysler dealership franchises away from Republican owners while leaving untouched franchises owned by Democrat contributors a few miles away?

You don't realize how far this administration and its Democrat supporters have progressed down the road to totalitarianism until you go back over the list of ghastly laws and executive orders they've ramrodded through.

Sobering stuff.

Oh, for those who may be interested, here's a pic of Democrat Frederica Wilson, the rep considering the bill noted above.


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