Immigrant assaults woman on steps of Norwegian Parliament
I hate writing posts about what follows, for obvious reasons. But if no one is willing to discuss ghastly events and identify trends, how can we devise a defense?
Dateline: Oslo, Norway--
A 20-year-old Norwegian woman (girl?) was raped by an asylum-seeking North African immigrant.
This is now so common in Norway that it's unlikely anyone would take notice. It's been reported that in every case of "stranger rape" in Oslo over the past five years where the perpetrators could be identified, the rapist was (or were, in the case of gang attacks) Muslim immigrants.
What made this case unusual was that it took place on the steps of the Parliament building.
And as it occurred, the whole thing was watched on surveillance cameras by security personnel inside. Who decided it wasn't their job to send one of their number outside to help the victim and arrest the rapist.
These government drones did decide that all they could do was call the cops. Who arrived after the rapist had finished his attack.
He was arrested, but authorities released him from custody later that day. Whether he posted bond or was released because of his age or other status wasn't reported.
Deterrent? Essentially zero.
Do ya suppose other immigrants-- realizing they were safe from any meaningful penalty--might decide to do the same thing? After all, it demonstrates Muslim supremacy over the conquered local people, and there's no detectable penalty.
Liberals might claim this was "just another Isolated Incident." Or that indeed, the 20-year-old victim, though drunk, somehow consented. Then try this from June 12th: A 14-year-old girl committed suicide a month after being raped by three Muslim males in the city of Trondheim. Here's a photo before she was attacked:

She gave a detailed description of her attackers, and lived another month until the stress or shame became too much to bear. Her mother gave the newpapers permission to print her picture and name in the hope that the community would prosecute the perpetrators, which happens all too rarely in Norway when women are attacked in Muslim areas.
For the record, Aftenposten (Oslo newspaper) reports that 9 out of 10 reported rapes don't go to trial because no witnesses are willing to testify against the attackers. How odd. The incidence of rape in the capital rose 40 percent in one recent year alone.
Here's a clip from the national television there, in which the news-readers claim that in the past year, 83 of 86 rapists who could be identified and were strangers were of "non-western appearance." The country's laws won't let anyone be more specific than that. However, they did interview a rape victim who said her attacker told her he had the right to do whatever he liked with Swedish women because his religion said this was acceptable. Unless there's a hidden sect of Buddhist rapists in Sweden, the religion shouldn't be hard to decipher. (I have no way to confirm the accuracy of the translation.)
The same trend is apparent in neighboring Sweden: Police in Malmo, Sweden's third- largest city, say there was a doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes.
Responding to this report, Anna Gustafsson, head of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Malmo Police, said she thought this was "great news", suggesting that the increase is due to higher reporting rates.
Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving four men charged with the rape of a 13 year old girl from Motala. The four are Kurdish Muslims, and were charged with raping the girl for hours and taking photos of the attack.
The number of reported rapes per capita in Malmo is 5—6 times higher than in Copenhagen, Denmark, which as a much lower percentage of immigrants. In fact, virtually every kind of violent crime is increasing in Sweden. Robbery increased 50% in Malmo in 2004. Threats against witnesses in Swedish court cases quadrupled between 2000 and 2003.
Sick, sick, sick.
An Islamic Imam in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are “asking to be raped.”
But although the Swedes and Norwegians don't seem to prosecute Muslims accused of rape with much vigor, one part of the law is vigorously enforced: the law against what's called "hate speech," which in these countries means anything said against Islam. For example, Swedes must be careful what they say or write about the sharp increase in the number of rapes of Swedish women by Muslims. In 2004 a Swede was convicted and sentenced to two months in prison for writing, “I don’t think I am alone in feeling sick when reading about how Swedish girls are raped by immigrant hordes.”
Dateline: Oslo, Norway--
A 20-year-old Norwegian woman (girl?) was raped by an asylum-seeking North African immigrant.
This is now so common in Norway that it's unlikely anyone would take notice. It's been reported that in every case of "stranger rape" in Oslo over the past five years where the perpetrators could be identified, the rapist was (or were, in the case of gang attacks) Muslim immigrants.
What made this case unusual was that it took place on the steps of the Parliament building.
And as it occurred, the whole thing was watched on surveillance cameras by security personnel inside. Who decided it wasn't their job to send one of their number outside to help the victim and arrest the rapist.
These government drones did decide that all they could do was call the cops. Who arrived after the rapist had finished his attack.
He was arrested, but authorities released him from custody later that day. Whether he posted bond or was released because of his age or other status wasn't reported.
Deterrent? Essentially zero.
Do ya suppose other immigrants-- realizing they were safe from any meaningful penalty--might decide to do the same thing? After all, it demonstrates Muslim supremacy over the conquered local people, and there's no detectable penalty.
Liberals might claim this was "just another Isolated Incident." Or that indeed, the 20-year-old victim, though drunk, somehow consented. Then try this from June 12th: A 14-year-old girl committed suicide a month after being raped by three Muslim males in the city of Trondheim. Here's a photo before she was attacked:

She gave a detailed description of her attackers, and lived another month until the stress or shame became too much to bear. Her mother gave the newpapers permission to print her picture and name in the hope that the community would prosecute the perpetrators, which happens all too rarely in Norway when women are attacked in Muslim areas.
For the record, Aftenposten (Oslo newspaper) reports that 9 out of 10 reported rapes don't go to trial because no witnesses are willing to testify against the attackers. How odd. The incidence of rape in the capital rose 40 percent in one recent year alone.
Here's a clip from the national television there, in which the news-readers claim that in the past year, 83 of 86 rapists who could be identified and were strangers were of "non-western appearance." The country's laws won't let anyone be more specific than that. However, they did interview a rape victim who said her attacker told her he had the right to do whatever he liked with Swedish women because his religion said this was acceptable. Unless there's a hidden sect of Buddhist rapists in Sweden, the religion shouldn't be hard to decipher. (I have no way to confirm the accuracy of the translation.)
The same trend is apparent in neighboring Sweden: Police in Malmo, Sweden's third- largest city, say there was a doubling of the number of reported rapes by ambush in 2004, following what was already a decade of steadily increasing numbers of sexual crimes.
Responding to this report, Anna Gustafsson, head of the Domestic Violence Unit at the Malmo Police, said she thought this was "great news", suggesting that the increase is due to higher reporting rates.
Legal proceedings continue this week in a case involving four men charged with the rape of a 13 year old girl from Motala. The four are Kurdish Muslims, and were charged with raping the girl for hours and taking photos of the attack.
The number of reported rapes per capita in Malmo is 5—6 times higher than in Copenhagen, Denmark, which as a much lower percentage of immigrants. In fact, virtually every kind of violent crime is increasing in Sweden. Robbery increased 50% in Malmo in 2004. Threats against witnesses in Swedish court cases quadrupled between 2000 and 2003.
Sick, sick, sick.
An Islamic Imam in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are “asking to be raped.”
But although the Swedes and Norwegians don't seem to prosecute Muslims accused of rape with much vigor, one part of the law is vigorously enforced: the law against what's called "hate speech," which in these countries means anything said against Islam. For example, Swedes must be careful what they say or write about the sharp increase in the number of rapes of Swedish women by Muslims. In 2004 a Swede was convicted and sentenced to two months in prison for writing, “I don’t think I am alone in feeling sick when reading about how Swedish girls are raped by immigrant hordes.”
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