NY Times praises Dem push to register welfare applicants
Last week the NY Times ran an editorial titled, "A Welfare Check and a Voting Card." It praised the (In)Justice Department's decision to finally begin enforcing all federal immigration laws.
Just kidding!
The law in question is actually what's often called the Motor-Voter Act. You can review the details and the new rules laid down by...well, the Rulers in the Obama Administration...here.
The editorial itself is a marvelous piece of Democratic propaganda posing as a lofty exposition of the highest principles of philosophy. Example:
Here comes the reassurance:
'...note that the recession has brought many people into welfare offices who may not be traditional Democrats.'
Left unstated, of course, is that formerly hard-working victims of business closings and layoffs were overwhelmingly likely to have already been registered to vote. So the fact that a large number of these folks are seeing welfare offices for the first time does nothing to reassure that we're gonna see anything but a ten-to-one ratio of Dem registrants to all others, thanks.
But of course, the editorial writers at the Times wouldn't support this effort just to get new Democrats registered. Perish the thought! Instead they love the new move because..."it will bring more voters into public life"! And if well over 90% of them happen to be Democrats, well....hey, that's just the roll of the dice.
And what of the writer's claim that registering people who couldn't decipher the requirements of registering heretofore (or couldn't get motivated enough to bother) will make the U.S. a better country?
Just kidding!
The law in question is actually what's often called the Motor-Voter Act. You can review the details and the new rules laid down by...well, the Rulers in the Obama Administration...here.
The editorial itself is a marvelous piece of Democratic propaganda posing as a lofty exposition of the highest principles of philosophy. Example:
The administration will undoubtedly be accused of acting in a self-serving political way by making it easier for more Democrats to vote. The effort may have that effect. But it is worth remembering that the recession has brought millions of new people to food stamp and other welfare offices in the last two years, many of whom may not be traditional Democrats.Notice how seamlessly the writer reassured all twelve of the Times's conservative readers that they shouldn't suspect nefarious motives here: 'You stupid conservatives worry that the reason DOJ has leaned on this was to make it easier for more Dems to register. Maybe so BUT...'
Here comes the reassurance:
'...note that the recession has brought many people into welfare offices who may not be traditional Democrats.'
Left unstated, of course, is that formerly hard-working victims of business closings and layoffs were overwhelmingly likely to have already been registered to vote. So the fact that a large number of these folks are seeing welfare offices for the first time does nothing to reassure that we're gonna see anything but a ten-to-one ratio of Dem registrants to all others, thanks.
But of course, the editorial writers at the Times wouldn't support this effort just to get new Democrats registered. Perish the thought! Instead they love the new move because..."it will bring more voters into public life"! And if well over 90% of them happen to be Democrats, well....hey, that's just the roll of the dice.
[T]he best reason to applaud the Justice Department’s new posture is that it will bring more voters into public life. When advocacy groups sued Ohio and Missouri to force their public assistance offices into complying, huge groups of new voters surged onto the rolls — more than 100,000 in Ohio, and more than 200,000 in Missouri. Nationwide enforcement by the Justice Department could add millions more. The more people who have access to the ballot, the better the country will be.That last sentence should be savored for a minute or so to get the full sense of how twisted and propagandistic it is. "The more people who have access to the ballot, the better the country will be" implies that those not registered before now have been denied access to the ballot. (Hard to imagine the writer taking the time to tell us the obvious: that if you're not registered, you're not allowed to vote. Except of course in states where the election process is run by Democrats.)
And what of the writer's claim that registering people who couldn't decipher the requirements of registering heretofore (or couldn't get motivated enough to bother) will make the U.S. a better country?
Commenter Frederick Singer of Huntington Beach, CA hit it right on the nose:
A classic NYT editorial, bordering on self-parody.Nice.
Yes, I want my tax dollars used to spoon-feed voter registration, so people who are already living off my tax dollars can vote more money for themselves and higher taxes for me.
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