Buckle up, kids: The biden/Dem regime just got tagged with an act of war.
If you're bored and like mysteries, here's a great one: Does the pic below ring any bells? If so, how much of the following do you recall?
On the morning of September 26th, 2022, a huge (3000 feet wide) caudron of what appeared to be boiling water appeared in the Baltic sea a few miles south of the Danish island of Bornholm.
Seventeen hours later a second, identical caudron appeared, a few miles from the first.
The videos led all TV news broadcasts for days. Viewers all over the world were understandably stunned: It looked like a volcano erupting.
The "cauldrons" were quickly identified as high-pressure natural gas. Since they were over the location of four large gas pipelines carrying Russian gas to Europe it was logical to conclude this was gas escaping from those big pipelines. But what kind of disaster could cause such a massive "leak"?
There were actually four pipelines, two of which were called Nord Stream 1. They'd been operating for a decade. The other two, called Nord Stream 2, had just been completed and filled with gas, but hadn't yet started delivering. Both were about 50 inches in diameter and 750 miles long, carrying gas at a pressure of 1,400 pounds per square inch, or about 100 times atmospheric pressure.
The Mainstream Media called the cauldrons "leaks." Ah, like your dripping faucet, eh? And the Media stories made absurd guesses as to what could have caused such huge leaks, in two different locations, 17 hours apart.
(On Sept 26 the Danish government reported the location of one leak as
"54° 52.6' N, 015° 24.6' E."
But then three days later they reported three other leak locations:
55° 33.4' N, 015° 47.3' E;
55° 32.1' N, 015° 41.9' E; and
55° 32.45' N, 015° 46.47' E. )
The search for the cause got more interesting when seismologists from five nations reported detecting shockwaves from two underwater explosions just before the "leaks" appeared. The Geological Survey of Denmark announced that a seismometer on Bornholm Island (very near the explosions) showed two spikes on 26 September: the first at 2:03 a.m. Central European time, and the second at 7:03 p.m.
Similar data was provided by a seismometer at Stevns, and by several seismometers in Germany, Sweden, Finland and Norway. The shockwaves were characteristic of underwater explosions, not earthquakes, and showed that they happened at the locations where the huge gas leaks were later discovered.
Seismic experts calculated the shockwaves were what would be expected from about 220 pounds of high explosives.
Finally, three weeks after the explosions, on 18 November, Swedish authorities announced that they'd found remains of explosives at the site of the leaks, and that the huge cauldrons of escaping gas were unquestionably due to sabotage of the pipelines.
The biden regime quickly told its Media friends that Russia had blown up its own pipelines. But anyone who knew anything about the energy business knew this was utter crap, since the sale of gas just from Nord Stream 1 accounted for about 45% of Russia's total budget.
But absurd as the White House's bullshit Narrative was, every U.S. Mainstream Media outlet printed and broadcast it without asking any tough, obvious questions. At least, if anyone did ask the White House why the Russians would blow up their major source of revenue, that question never made it to the nightly "newz."
Again, no so-called "reporter" ever asked any of Biden's lackeys to explain why the Russians would destroy their biggest source of income.
So three of the four pipelines could no longer be used. Vladimir Putin called the sabotage "an unprecedented act of international terrorism."
The high-pressure gas in the pipelines continued to blow to the surface for five days before being exhausted--at which point the Mainstream Media seemed to lose what little interest it had in trying to find out who destroyed the vital pipelines. Because it couldn't have been the U.S., cuz Dear Leader assured them duh Russians had done it!
As the Wiki article (always covering for Democrats) coyly put it, "The perpetrators' identities and the motives behind the sabotage remain debated."
"...remain debated," eh? Well certainly for the average voter, and for U.S. Media--whose primary mission is always to protect the Democrat party. But people with experience in the right technical fields knew where to look to find out who destroyed the lines.
A few weeks after the pipelines were bombed I ran across an image from northern European radars, looking north from just south of the Baltic, from the night of 25 September. Here it is:
The average American understandably thinks the image above can't be real. But in the U.S. and Europe, images from all radars--hundreds in Europe--are combined, and can be viewed by anyone with a computer or phone, in real-time. If you're skeptical, go to a website called "FlightAware.com" and see for yourself. It'll show every jet flying within 100 miles of your location, including flight number and altitude.
The image above shows the track of a plane entering the frame from the left, flying west to east, but pilots will quickly notice something odd:
Every jet has an electronic device called a transponder, which is supposed to be on all the time. And when it is, every time the plane is swept by the beam of a ground radar it replies by sending its call-sign, heading, altitude and speed to that radar--critical information for traffic controllers.
The odd thing was that this plane didn't show any of that normal information--meaning either that the transponder had failed, or that the crew had turned it off. And for legal flights, that's a serious no-no.
But there was another bit of oddness: the unidentified plane was displaying a bit of information not normally seen: a six-character "hex-code." Every transponder (so every jet aircraft) is assigned a unique hex-code. Nations are assigned sequential blocks of these codes that they then assign to every commercial and military aircraft.
The hex-code for this target was one of those assigned to the U.S. But if you looked up that code, it supposedly wasn't assigned to any airline or military aircraft. Hmmm....
The interesting part was that the fact that the hex-code was being transmitted showed that the plane's transponder was working. But if that was true, why didn't the rest of the normal flight information appear?
Because the pilots had turned the transponder off. (You think this is a contradiction. It's not, as you'll see.)
Pilots on a legitimate mission would never turn off the transponder. Yet this transponder had obviously, unequivocally been turned off.
Now let me answer the question some of you are asking: "If the pilots turned off the transponder, how could it transmit the hex-code?"
Great question. The answer is buried in events literally half a century ago, when terrorists learned they could easily hijack jet airliners and hold the planes and passengers for ransom. (Older Americans recall that, this was a huge problem back in the 1970's. Young Americans can't believe it.)
In an emergency, pilots set the plane's transponder to transmit a specific code. But clever hijackers learned about this and began ordering pilots of hijacked planes to turn off the transponder.
So the companies that made commercial jets started wiring transponders so they would continue to transmit the hex-code identifier even when manually turned off by the pilots. Clever.
All this may sound irrelevant but it will prove to be crucial as our story unfolds.
SO...going back to the radar plot: The unidentified aircraft joins up with a U.S. tanker aircraft, based in Germany. We know the tanker's call-sign, type and base. The two planes fly in tight formation for an hour and 40 minutes. That's far longer than the time to refuel a jet fighter, which typically takes less than ten minutes.
At the known fuel transfer rate, an hour and 40 minutes of refueling would be enough time to completely refuel a mid-size jet transport that had just crossed the Atlantic.
After completing refueling the radar track then shows the mystery aircraft flying to the exact location where three of the pipelines were blown up. It circles the spot, then turns east for about 20 miles before reversing course and returning to the site of the explosions.
A few miles before reaching that site the aircraft makes an odd "pop-up" maneuver, first climbing for 30 seconds or so, then pointing the aircraft's nose down again. You can see this clearly on the radar plot.
The track to the east, then a hairpin turn back to the west, followed by the pop-up, is characteristic of a low-level bomb run. And the plane did drop something. But as we'll see, it wasn't a bomb.
Immediately after what looks much like a bomb run the mystery aircraft climbed to 35,000 feet and headed west.
The guy who put the radar plot on the Net claimed to have found that the unidentified plane was a Navy P-8. That's a militarized version of the Boeing 737-800ER ("extended range"), which has a range of 3,800 miles. (Wiki says the range is just 1,381 miles. Classic wokie dumbshits: that's the range of the civilian 737.) The P-8 has wing hard-points for carrying anti-ship missiles, and a torpedo bay. And it can be air-refueled.
I showed the radar plot above to a few friends--liberals--and got exactly the reaction I expected: "Dis not possible! Dis fake! You a stooge for Putin!"
You bet. But I had to admit that some of the tracks on the plot didn't jibe with the few known facts about the pipeline explosions: There was just one "bomb run," but at least two explosions, 17 hours apart. A bomb from the mystery aircraft could account for the first one, but no more. (Actually four distinct leaks were spotted. It's likely that one of the detected seismic shocks was actually from three charges detonating simultaneously.),
Then yesterday--over four months after I posted the radar track and my explanation--an old, well-known leftist "reporter"--who has long seemed to have a close and fawning relationship with the CIA--wrote a long piece on Substack that seems to have solved the missing parts.
The piece was titled "How America took out the Nord Stream pipelines," and I'll put a link at the end of this post. I've edited the Substack piece extensively to remove a lot of fluff, and have clarified some parts. Result is below:
Last June U.S. Navy divers planted explosive charges on all four of the Nord Stream gas pipelines from Russia to Germany. Three months later the charges were remotely-triggered, destroying three of the four pipelines, according to a source claiming to have direct knowledge of the operation.
Two of the pipelines--which together were known as Nord Stream 1--had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with low-cost Russian natural gas for a decade. A second pair of pipelines, Nord Stream 2, had recently been completed and pressurized (to 1,400 psi) but hadn't started delivering gas due to political issues.
The biden regime's decision to destroy the pipelines came after more than nine months of secret debate in the U.S. national security community about how to do it so no one could find out who did it.
The reason for using Navy divers instead of members of the Special Operations Command was that by law, SOC operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership. The people running biden knew this would increase the chances of the plan being leaked, so chose to use Navy divers to avoid that legal requirement.
The four pipelines ran side by side for 750 miles under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, passing just south of the Danish island of Bornholm. The first two had been a huge and welcome boost for the economies of both Europe and Russia--the former because European nations could buy clean, low-cost energy, and to Russia because it earned billions per year from selling the gas.
The pipelines had been built by a partnership consisting of the Russian national energy company Gazprom, which owned 51 percent, and four European energy firms—one in France, one in the Netherlands and two in Germany—which shared the remaining 49 percent.
As the biden regime saw it, the new pipeline would nearly double Russia's income from gas sales. Even worse, as the biden regime saw it, Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become more dependent on the low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia, making them less likely to oppose Russian goals.
So the biden regime strongly opposed the newly built pipelines. But as those lines neared completion, in May of 2021--just four months after being installed as president--in a stunning turnaround biden ended sanctions against Nord Stream 2--reportedly to curry favor with the newly-installed chancellor of Germany.
But biden's advisors knew that the more Europe depended on Russia for critically-needed energy, the more Europe would be inclined to support Russian policies. This would be crucial if Russia invaded Ukraine, as many expected. So some unidentified regime advisors wanted to prevent the new lines from opening.
But if the Europeans ever learned that the U.S. (biden) destroyed the pipelines, they would likely be outraged by the violation of their sovereignty. So if the U.S. decided to destroy the pipeline, total secrecy was essential.
[Hersh says "It was at this unsettled moment that Biden authorized Jake Sullivan to bring together an interagency group to come up with a plan." I'm skeptical. Hersh's source has all the telltales of being CIA, and almost certainly wasn't high enough up the chain to know what biden had authorized Jake Sullivan to do, unless Sullivan is a CIA plant. Instead I suspect CIA officials anticipated that the biden regime would be looking for a "brilliant plan" and had already devised this one.]
In December of 2021, two months before Russia invaded Ukraine, Sullivan called a meeting of a newly formed planning group—the Joint Chiefs, CIA and State—and asked for ideas about how the U.S. should respond to the impending invasion.
According to Hersh's source, it soon became clear to the participants that Sullivan wanted the group to recommend a plan to destroy all four Nord Stream pipelines—not just Nord Stream 2--and that Sullivan implied to the members of the planning group that the president also wanted this.
[Again, I'm skeptical. I doubt biden would have had the mental acuity to suggest destroying either pipeline. Instead Jake Sullivan strikes me as a CIA plant, and that biden's only connection to the plan--albeit a crucial one-- was giving the go-ahead order after the plans had already been finalized. I suspect the CIA was pushing this plan and presented it to Sullivan's "task force" as a brilliant idea that no one would ever be able to tie to the U.S.]
[And thanks to the regime's Media allies, they've been right so far.]
Over several meetings the participants debated options to destroy the pipelines. The Navy proposed using a submarine. The Air Force proposed dropping bombs with fuses that could be detonated later by radio.
[I highly doubt that last part, since surely someone in the Air Force had to have known that "normal" radio waves don't travel far in water. Plus there's the problem that since the pipelines weren't visible from the air, you'd be dropping an unguided bomb, which would be lucky to hit within half a mile of the lines.]
"The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert."
[This last sentence is classic, gratuitously crediting the CIA with noting the obvious--which further suggests Hersh's source is CIA.]
Everyone involved knew that if the U.S. were found to have destroyed the pipelines, it would be seen as an act of war.
At the time the CIA was headed by William Burns, who'd been a deputy secretary of state under Obama. Burns quickly authorized an Agency working group, which began to devise a plan to use divers to plant explosives on the pipeline.
[So according to Hersh the CIA took over the op. But since the piece continues to give the rest of the details of the story, it further suggests Hersh's source is CIA.]
And in January of 2022 the CIA working group told Sullivan’s interagency group “We've found a way to blow up the pipelines.”
But what came next stunned the planners. At a barely-attended State Department briefing in mid-January of 2022, Undersecretary "Tori" Nuland said “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.”
Of course that could have meant the U.S. would merely pressure Germany to refuse to give the line an operating permit. But that ambiguity was dispelled twenty days later: At a press briefing on February 7, less than three weeks before the seemingly inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden defiantly warned “If Russia invades...there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”
That didn't sound like he was proposing a diplomatic solution, and several of the planners of the sabotage mission were aghast at what they saw as a clear threat from biden to blow up the pipelines.
Either Biden and Nuland simply didn’t understand the implications if the U.S. were found to have destroyed the lines, or they just didn't care. [Either conclusion is totally damning.]
Every June for the past 21 years, the U.S. Sixth Fleet has taken part in a joint NATO naval exercise in the Baltic involving scores of allied ships. This would provide ideal cover for divers to plant the explosives.
The initial plan was that the explosives would be placed at the end of the joint exercise, on a 48-hour timer. That would give all NATO ships two days to get out of the area before the four explosive charges detonated.
But when someone at the White House got that detail, they were concerned that blowing up four pipelines just two days after the end of the NATO exercise might lead people to suspect the U.S. was involved.
[Gee, ya think?]
So instead the White House asked if the planners could devise a way to let the president detonate the explosives on command, weeks or months after the charges had been attached.
Since regular radio waves don't penetrate far in water, the planners decided to use sound waves, with acoustic receivers attached to each of the four charges. When the receivers detected a series of timed clicks at a certain frequency, the timers on the charges would start their countdown.
The signal to start the timers would come from a four-foot-long sonar transmitter--a standard piece of Navy gear that would be dropped from a plane near the charges. Since sound travels very well in water, it wouldn't matter if the transmitter was a few miles away from the charges.
[What the planners couldn't do was find a way to get all the radars in northern Europe to stop watching the Baltic for half an hour--something neither Hersh nor his source addressed.]
In June the divers attached the explosive charges to the lines as planned. Then on September 26, 2022, a P-8 patrol plane--which Hersh's source says was Norwegian but almost certainly wasn't--dropped the sonar transmitter. The signal started the timers on the charges, and a few hours later the first one or two detonated. Seventeen house later another one or two detonated.
[As was widely known, when the pipelines were blown up they were filled with roughly half a *million* tons of methane under 100 bar (1400 psi) of pressure, which they began blowing into the water, then into the air--creating those half-mile-wide cauldrons of churning water that continued for five days. An 800-mile-long pipeline pressurized to 100 atmospheres holds LOTS of gas.]
[For the record, the "global warmies" bleat that methane is an even more damaging "greenhouse gas" than the dreaded CO2. But the warmies won't say jack about this aspect of the pipeline bombing because...Democrat president.]
[On this next aspect of the plan, either Hersh's source played him or didn't know: the P-8 plane that dropped the triggering sonar transmitter almost certainly wasn't Norwegian, but a U.S. Navy plane. This is suggested by two things: first, that six-character "hex-code" was within the block assigned to the U.S.
[Second, given the P-8's unrefueled range of 3,800 miles, a Norwegian plane wouldn't have needed air refueling, since the round-trip flight from the most northern base in Norway would be less than 1,800 miles. But the radar track shows that the mystery plane refueled. Hmmm...]
So to review: there is no question that the pipelines were blown up. The biden regime implausibly claimed the Russians did it, but never explained why they'd want to do that. And crucially, no U.S. reporter ever asked.
The absurd "Russia did it" Narrative was further discredited when it was discovered last month that Russian authorities have been getting estimates of the cost to repair the lines. Evidently they'd like to get the cash flowing again, which further discredits the claim that they blew up their own lines.
When this most recent news surfaced, the New York Times described it as merely “complicating theories about who was behind” the attack." It's ludicrous to watch allegedly smaht people tie themselves into logical knots to avoid admitting the obvious. But they're determined to protect biden and the Democrats at all costs.
Imagine how much differently the U.S. Mainstream Media would have reacted if Trump had approved this same plan.
Destroying the pipelines was an act of war--an act that sentenced every European to paying double to heat their homes. If this story ever gets traction, it's hard to imagine how the Democrats will respond.
Astonishingly, when biden's incompetent Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, was asked about the consequences of the worsening energy crisis in Western Europe after the pipelines had been destroyed, Blinken described the destruction of the lines as potentially good:
“It’s a tremendous opportunity to remove the dependence on Russian energy, and thus to take away from Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs. That offers tremendous strategic opportunity [for the U.S.] for the years to come. Meanwhile we’re determined to do everything we possibly can to make sure the consequences of all of this [i.e. the U.S. destroying the EU's source of affordable energy] are not borne by citizens in our countries or, for that matter, around the world.”
["Joseph Goebbels, please call your office."]
Victoria Nuland gloated about the destruction: Testifying before the senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing last month, Nuland said "I think the Administration is very gratified to know that Nord Stream 2 is now... a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea.”
[An act of war, doubling gas prices in Europe, and this bitch is gloating about it. Again, imagine how the Mainstream Media would have reacted if Trump had signed off on this!]
As writers at "Not the Bee" put it, "When you realize just how bad these people are at conducting
foreign policy, the possibility of US involvement in destroying an
international pipeline seems much more likely. We have given power to the most inept players on the field." Yep.
Here's Hersh's source again:
“It was a beautiful cover story... a covert operation that placed experts in the field and equipment that operated on a covert signal."
["Cover story"? That's exactly how the CIA talks and thinks. One of their first planning items is "What kind of cover story can we create to fool the rubes?" And note the use of "covert" twice: The CIA is positively orgasmic about "covert operations."]
"Covert," eh? Except the planners couldn't turn off the scores of radars covering the Baltic Sea and northern Europe, and either didn't know that any "ordinary deplorable" would know how to recover the radar tracks for the night in question, or else didn't care, eh?
One more ludicrous "gotcha" that the planners never anticipated: Remember that hex-code that continued to be transmitted even though the pilots had turned off transponder? When you fly into hostile territory one of the standard checklist items--right after "turn lights off"--is "Transponder: Off." And the crew did that.
Now, in a military aircraft, when you turn the transponder off it kills all power to the thing. But as noted earlier, after the scores of hijackings 50 years ago, transponders in commercial airliners were wired so they continued to transmit the hex-code even if the control head was switched off.
But the Navy P-8 is a military plane. So why was this $200-MILLION aircraft's transponder wired like a civilian airliner, eh?
Wait for it...
Because the P-8 evolved from the civilian Boeing 737.
"But wait...surely one of Boeing's many engineers would have thought to change the wiring to the military standard, right?" Nope, it would never have occurred to them--because none of them has ever flown a oombat mission.
"Okay, but surely one of the hundreds of pages of specifications in the $3.2 BILLION contract between Boeing and the Navy would have included that requirement, right?"
I've met military contracting people. It would never have occurred to one of 'em to write this into the contract--because the contract writers don't fly combat missions either. So it would never have occurred to the contract writers that when you turned something off, part of the thing stayed on. Not one of 'em ever knew about the hidden hex-code trick that had started 50 years earlier.
This is the kind of "glitch in the Matrix" that almost always happens in covert ops. The planners just shrug--because they know only a handful of Americans will ever know about the "glitch," and that the average voter doesn't have either the background or attention span to understand what the glitch means.
Oh, and for those who think Boeing engineers and execs are too sharp to overlook the transponder mistake I just described: You've forgotten (or more likely never knew) that their civilian 737-800 "upgrade" contained a kind of super-autopilot that couldn't be turned off from the pilot's position. When it went nuts, it caused two brand-new planes to crash, killing around 400 people.
Boeing's engineers designed that super-autopilot so it couldn't be turned off. Company test pilots discovered that and warned company executives that this was a stunningly stupid idea. But the execs blew 'em off--as execs often do to underlings. So don't talk to me about brilliant companies.
So...blowing up the pipelines was an outrageous act of war that has made life a LOT harder for millions of Europeans. Wonder how the biden regime will make this story go away, eh? But with the help of their corrupt Media allies, they will.
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