Senate committee releases demning new information about Hilliary's email server
Yesterday a senate committee released two pages of testimony from a named staffer with the Inspector General for the Intel Community, who said Hillary Clinton's email server had sent a copy of every email it held to yet another non-government email address. It did this by adding the new address to the block of recipients.
The address was "" Carter Heavy Industries is a Chinese company with a subsidiary in Florida. The email address was for the Florida sub, since sending to a ".cn" would presumably have been a bit...over the top.
I posted this information over 18 months ago. Not a word about it appeared in any Lying Mainstream Media outlet.
Yeah, big surprise.
So if this is accurate, what does it mean to you and me?
It means that the Chinese government was getting copies of beyond-Top-Secret State Department cables, sent to Hilliary's private email server by Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and other Clinton aides, in real-time.
Now, a cunning prick named Paul Combetta, working for a Hilliary contractor (Platte River Networks), testified that he created the account in 2012 for a totally benign reason. This is a cover, a Narrative, because the account was receiving Hilliary emails as early as 2009. See below:McMillian told Congress that the Carter Heavy Industries email address in the Clinton-email metadata was set up to receive a copy of every email sent and received as they were sent, even if the intended addressee was different.— Ivan Pentchoukov (@IvanPentchoukov) August 15, 2019
Why did the dummy account appear in 2009 before Combetta was hired?— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) August 15, 2019
Combetta also testified that there was a perfectly normal, innocuous explanation for the fact that carterheavyindustries@gmail appeared on every Hilliary email: It was cuz after he (Combetta) was hired, he'd uploaded all her emails to this account simply to back them up in case her server crashed.Dear @TheJusticeDept @JusticeOIG @ChuckGrassley @ODNIgov— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) August 15, 2019
Combetta was not hired until 2013 the carterheavyindustries@gmail account first appeared in 2009, the @FBI’s excuse that he created the account is null and void, in fact it’s a lie.
At the end of this post a commenter shows why this is bullshit. But there's another, easier way to show Combetta is lying: Copies of Hilliary's emails were going to the chinese company as early as 2009. Hilliary didn't hire Platte River Networks (Combetta) until 2013.
Oooh, how to explain that one, eh?
Think about all this for a moment. The unusual, out-of-place email address seems to have appeared in the "To:" block on virtually every email on Hilliary's server. Any investigator who had access to one of these emails would have seen this out-of-place recipient.
For the Narrative to hold, they expect you to believe that not a single investigator ever spotted the totally out of place recipient. Really? Can you say "coverup"?
If anyone did spot it, the FBI et al expect us to believe not a single person in the entire FBI ever looked into who "carterheavyindustries" was, or asked why a Florida company making small excavators would be on Hilliary's distribution list.
And ya know, in view of how long it took the FBI to raid Epstein's island, it's not hard to believe they really are that incompetent. But give Comey's lying testimony ("the law about classified info requires an intent." It doesn't), it would appear that in this case coverup is more likely than incompetence.
Fire them. All. Then burn down the building and salt the earth. Then years later, if people really think we need an FBI, rebuild the headquarters in, oh, Goatmuzzle, Montana. With no internet service.
Finally, here's an interesting post from commenter "Brian" at Ace: First he notes another commenter's theory:
I don't think the account was created until after she was out of office, but in 2014 her IT guy uploaded the entire archive from to it. He said he created the account. [Demonstrably false.] Anyone with the password could have logged into it and downloaded the archive.
The active forwarding didn't happen while she was Secretary of State, but uploading the archive took care of that.
Now, why choose as the email address [that Combetta claims he uploaded all her emails to]? [Paul Combetta] claims it was an account he used to create a duplicate so he could copy it and restore the when they changed servers or something. But
why choose THAT name in particular?
One theory is so that Chinese intelligence operating within Carter Heavy Industries could use it. An alternative theory [is that] the IT guy was just trying to misdirect [anyone who might investigate].Brian calls bullshit:
The mail server was running Microsoft Exchange 2010 with the webmail login wide open to anyone who browsed to I know because when news first broke I visited it. It actually stayed online for several days after becoming publicly known. ANYONE could have "hacked" into it and downloaded everything they wanted. I put "hacked" in quotes because it's so trivial with Exchange 2010 (and was when this server was discovered) that it's a stretch to even call it a hack.He then takes on another of the excusers claims:
"The IT guy claims it was an account he used to create a duplicate [backup of emails] so he could restore the [emails] when they changed servers or something."
That's nonsense. [To move emails] to another server you dump everything to PST files locally and then do an import to the new server. There are a dozen different ways to do that. Sending everything individually to a Gmail account is not one of them.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at August 15, 2019Now I know my liberal PhD friend--a hard-core Democrat--will say "If this is accurate, and was known at the time, why weren't there any follow-up questions to expose the glaring contradictions? Since there were no follow-ups, doesn't that suggest that none of this is true?"
Oooh, good point! Wait... who was running the first investigation into all this? Hmm...As I recall it was the FBI's top "counter-intelligence agent," one Peter Strzok. That's why the investigation ended with no charges filed against Combetta, and a ton of loose ends.
It's also worth noting that the FBI gave Combetta immunity, yet he was never interviewed later and asked to explain the inconsistencies. Seems to show either coverup or incompetence. And given that Strzok is on recored (texts to his mistress, Lisa Page) promising to stop Trump from being elected, I think coverup is a more likely choice.
You're all being played, folks. Just like the wails of "Trump is separating chilluns from their parents in the concentration camps!"
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