January 01, 2024

"Gunz iz bad. We gots ta take all dem guns away frum duh pipo"

Say, citizen, everyone likes stories about ten-year-old kids, eh?  Here's one out of Cali--Sacramento county, which is the capital:

A man had a stolen gun.  Right away you sense this guy may not be a fan of the law, eh?  But this isn't about him--much.  Anyway, his ten-year-old picks up the gun and fatally shoots another ten-year-old.

WELL...as you could guess, this being a Democrat-ruled moonbat state, duh "gunz iz eeebil" crowd wuz like, "SEE?  We tol' ya!  If we jus' don't let pipo buy doze awful gunz, all deez murders n' stuff will stop!  Yay!"

"Wait," said AOC.  "Wouldn't it offend fewer deplorable voters from flyover states if we just passed a law requiring everyone to obey all laws?"
That stopped everyone dead in their tracks.  "Whoa, that's so brilliant," they said.  It's so simple, and would cost almost nothing!  Why didn't we think of this earlier?  A new law requiring criminals to obey all laws!"

"It's great!  None of these tragic killings would happen!  See, duh problem jus' been dat pipo who stole guns jus' din' know dat wuz illegal."

Then a 9-year-old raised "their" hand and asked "Wait, if bad guys steal gunz now, which is illegal, then if you pass a law that says pipo can't have gunz, why would bad guys obey the new law if they ignored the old law?"

The entire congregation of socialist Dems fell silent for a full minute.

Then their leader, Gavin Newsom, spoke:  "In that case we'll...pass a *third* law."

The room erupted in cheers, "Newsom for president!!"




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