May 22, 2022

"Expert": Planet can only support a billion people, so "We need to" do away with six billion humans. Seriously

Where would we be without "experts" who urge killing six billion people, eh?

Leftist professor Dennis Meadows is certain that the planet can only support one billion people. Problem is, there are already over seven billion people on the planet.

But if that sounds like an unsolvable problem to ya, Meadows has a kind of solution.  "We need to bring that down to one billion."

Gosh, Dennis, when you explain it so neatly, so unthreateningly, it doesn't sound hard at all!  It's no wonder you're a professor of "Systems Management" and the former director of the Institute for Policy and Social Science Research at a northeastern university!

In fact, Dennis, you explained that so well--made it sound so EASY--that I think you should show us how it's done, by killing yourself first.  Once people see how easy and painless it was, they'll surely follow your excellent example, eh?

Creatures like Meadows--and other media-proclaimed "experts"--often look and talk like humans.  But their ideology is more evil than anything the world has ever seen.  The 50 million or so murdered by Stalin, 60 million by Mao and 25 million or so by the Nazis are less than two percent of the body count people like this creature want to inflict. 

And right on cue: On Wednesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing, a Republican congressman asked a witness--abortion advocate Aimee Arrambide--how old her side believed a child needed to be to avoid being killed by abortion.  Aimee smiled smugly and totally dodged the question. 

Oh, she quacked out a reply: "I trust people to do whatever they think best with their bodies," but it wasn't an answer to the question.  You may have noticed leftists do this a LOT, because they know that actually giving a substantive answer will cost them support.  Better to avoid substantive answers altogether.

As a result, you get a lot of "duckspeak"--it avoids looking like one is refusing to answer the question, and pleases all the leftists in the audience.  But...avoids the question entirely.

It's like biden saying "white supremacy is the greatest threat our nation has ever faced," but then when asked for specifics, replying "You know, man, the thing...the thing...claptragonality."

And of course most Democrats are fine with this, because it lets them claim a win--even though you'd think rational adults would immediately recognize that the Dem witness carefully avoided answering a simple, straightforward question.  It's why only one Democrat senator (Manchin) voted against a recent bill that would have made abortion of healthy children legal up to the moment of birth.

By the way, I'm seeing more Mainstream websites and papers claiming that overturning Roe "bans abortion nationwide."  The draft opinion that proposed to overturn Roe would leave every state to decide the question for its residents.



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