Oregon Democrats pass a law setting up a virus relief fund--money available only to blacks. Seriously
One of the key principles devised by the Founders of this nation was "equal treatment under the law." That is, the law was to apply equally to all, regardless of power or wealth. Unfortunately the leaders of the Democrat party have now succeeded in killing this founding principle, and now demand that Americans be treated differently under the law, on the basis of race, sex, sexual preference, wealth and trans status.
Latest example: Earlier this year, in a virtue-signalling response to the plandemic, Oregon's Democrat-controlled legislature passed a LAW decreeing that a $62 million fund--i.e. taxpayer funds--be established, ostensibly to help state citizens who'd been economically damaged by the lockdown. They named the law "the Oregon CARES Act." Cuz, virtue-signal.
But there was a huge twist: The law specifically stated that the only people eligible to receive money from this fund were those who “self-identify as Black.”
This blatant racially discriminatory law cried out to be challenged as unconstitutional. And sure enough, it's now being challenged in court.
The state was sued by a small family-owned logging business that has suffered financially because of the pandemic. The owner is white, and thus not eligible to receive any of the taxpayer money from the "relief fund."
The lawsuit claims that by limiting beneficiaries of the fund to one race, the law violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
The lawsuit asks the court to immediately freeze this unConstitutional program and that no additional taxpayer money be distributed until the program is expanded to all Oregonians, regardless of skin color or ethnic heritage.
Now, you'd think that because this law so obviously violates the equal-protection clause, it would instantly be struck down. But because governments have essentially unlimited tax dollars, it's far more likely that if by chance a judge in liberal Oregon strikes it, the Dems who rule Oregon's legislature will appeal, first to the Circuit Court of Appeals, then to the Supreme Court. Taking it all the way would take at least two years...by which time the fund will have been totally depleted.
And at that point the Dems will argue that since there's no more money left, there's no point in the court hearing the suit.
In response to the lawsuit, state employees administering the "Oregon Cares Fund" defended its goals and legal standing, issuing this statement:
“Current relief efforts are noble but have favored communities and businesses that operate with embedded advantages. The Oregon Cares Fund would ensure that the distribution of CARES funds does not perpetuate discriminatory racial disparities,” the fund said in a written statement.
“Much in the way we have made targeted investments to support different industries and help them survive COVID-19, we must do the same within different communities.”
Sure. Cuz silly notions of "laws should apply equally to all" are so antiquated! Also raaaacist, cuz the principle was put forth by a group of...dare we say it?...white males!
We really need to keep chipping away at that old, outdated, useless document called the Constitution. As the Woke crowd keeps screaming, our nation was flawed and evil from its very founding. Yep yep yep.
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