Dems cheated
Democrat pols and appointed election officials could have conducted a fair election. Instead they cheated, by illegally barring certified GOP "poll-watchers" from being able to observe the voting and counting processes, which allowed the Dem election officials to bring in hundreds of thousands of non-authentic ballots in the middle of the night.
What do Americans think of people who would do that? I suspect most Americans find cheating repulsive--antithetical to the founding principles of this nation, but the Democrat election officials obviously thought any tactic--even stealing the election--was fine if it accomplished their goal of removing the hated Trump and installing the corrupt Biden and his radical, corrupt VP Harris--who they intended would quickly be made president.
They plotted and executed a takeover. They claim to love the country but are hell-bent on destroying the very things that make it the envy of the world. As Portland has shown, peace and prosperity are impossible with Dems running anything.
Of course they claim the same thing about conservatives. But anyone with an average IQ can see where socialism and one-party rule lead: Venezuela. Cuba. China. Russia. Yes, a small percentage of the people in those nations--the rulers-live very well, but for the average person life is grim--so awful that 20 percent of all Venezuelans have fled that sad country.
Wake up, America.
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