April 04, 2020

Mainstream Media refuse to admit the drug Trump mentioned first actually works wonderfully

The drug combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin is turning out to be a magic bullet that cures 98 percent of coronavirus in just six days.  But because the first person to bring this drug to the public's attention was president Trump, the mainstream media was (and is) OUTRAGED!!  "How DARE he think he's qualified to prescribe..."  "He's a snake-oil salesman!"  "He's filling Americans with FALSE HOPE.  That's just horrible!!"

Wait, did I hear some liberals scream that this is fake news--that no reputable mainstream media organ would EVAH do such a thing ?

Well here's the headline in USA Today for March 21st.  I've emphasized all the snarky sneers:

Coronavirus treatment: Dr. Donald Trump peddles snake oil and false hope

One of the first acts of the federal precursor to the Food and Drug Administration in 1916 was to crack down on the sale of a cowboy's cure-all called "Stanley's Snake Oil," which government chemists discovered promised much more than it delivered. The product helped give rise to the expression snake-oil salesman. 

If Donald Trump wasn't quite the quintessential snake-oil salesman at a news briefing this week and on Twitter Saturday — touting preliminary and even unproven medical remedies to the new coronavirus pandemic — he came disturbingly close. 

Perhaps eager to demonstrate haste and hope after squandering weeks with a glacial rollout of COVID-19 testing kits, the president pitched Thursday that his FDA is now "slashing all the red tape" to review new therapies that:
►"Have shown very encouraging — very, very encouraging early results."
►"Could be a game changer. Very powerful."
►"Could be a tremendous breakthrough."

FDA contradicts Donald Trump

Shortly after Trump made these remarks, the FDA rushed out a statement making it clear that there are no approved therapies or drugs to treat COVID-19.

Maybe clinical trials of these therapies will show promising results. We surely hope so. But for now, Trump risks giving Americans false hope about some pills they might use to ward off the effects of a virus 10 times more lethal, and three times as contagious, as the common flu.

His specific pitch focused on antiviral drugs used to treat other diseases. But none of them has yet shown safe and effective against COVID-19, said Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Trump specifically focused on an anti-malarial drug called chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, and an antiviral drug used to treat Ebola, known as remdesivir.

Fauci said any supporting evidence for the antiviral drugs is largely anecdotal. "We've got to able to determine if they work and if they're safe," Fauci told the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The contrast between Trump's hype and Fauci's scientific method played out like reality TV on Friday as both appeared to contradict each other during a remarkable White House news briefing. "I disagree," Trump said, with Fauci nearby. "I feel good about (the treatments). That's all it is. Just a feeling. You know, I'm a smart guy."

For a public eager for some semblance of leadership in a national crisis, the display was far from reassuring. 

The same presidential obstinacy surfaced Saturday, when Dr. Trump informed his 75 million Twitter followers about a tiny French study of 48 people showing that chloroquine, when combined with the antibiotic used in Z-Pak medication, might be effective against the coronavirus. "A real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine," Trump tweeted.
Just FYI, the drug used in the initial French study was NOT chloroquine, but its much safer and more effective relative, hydroxychloroquine.  There's a difference, but the moronic scum in the Lying Mainstream Media don't know that, and can't be bothered to ask anyone who does.


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