Media: "OMG! Cadets at Army-Navy game flash super-sekrit "white power" hand-sign!"
If you don't think this country has gone off the deep end, read the "news story" below:
West Point and Annapolis officials are trying to determine the motives of service-academy students who flashed hand signs on national television Saturday that in certain contexts are associated with “white power.”
The hand sign was displayed both by West Point cadets and Annapolis midshipmen during a broadcast of the annual Army-Navy football game last Saturday.
Annapolis officials appointed an officer to conduct an investigation. An Annapolis spokeswoman said those involved would "be held appropriately accountable.”
A spokesman for West Point said “We’re looking into it. I don’t know what their intention is.”In case anyone doesn't know, West Point is the United States Military Academy, and Annapolis is the U.S. Naval Academy. The U.S. armed forces pioneered equal rights and desegregation. The notion of "flashing signs associated with 'white power' is total, unmitigated horse-shit, put out by a lying mainstream media that has constantly trashed the military since 1955.
Oh, and that so-called "white power" hand sign? It's the common sign used for at least 70 years to mean "okay." The association of this old, innocuous sign with "white power" started about five years ago when couple of wags at a blog called "4Chan" thought it would be hysterical to see if they could get the dumb Lying Mainstream Media to believe the sign was a secret signal for "white power."
They floated the story, and the Media totally fell for it--because they wanted to believe it.
But should believe whatever the Mainstream Media, like CNN and MSNBC and the broadcast networks tell you, because they always have your best interests at heart, citizen. They'd NEVER lie to you, about anything. Really.
Oh, and just to show you the Media do NOT have a double-standard about "--power" signs, consider this gem from CNN: Three years ago 16 black female cadets at West Point posed for a pic with fists raised in the "black power" sign. West Point officials quickly said that the photograph "did not violate any Army or Department of Defense regulations and was only intended to demonstrate unity and pride."
CNN instantly broadcase a nice long video reporting that the Army cleared the black females who posed with raised fists. "It was only intended to demonstrate unity and pride," said officials. But reverse the roles and CNN (and all the Mainstream Media) are totally outraged! Sound the alarm, citizens! The armed forces' service academies are infested with people who flash super-secret White Power hand signs!
This is total horse-shit. It's why more Americans are turning off the Mainstream Media. They lie. Constantly. And before the Internet, there wasn't much chance of catching 'em. Now it's a lot easier to prove to folks when they lie.
Ya know, you'd think they'd catch on and eventually stop lying to us. But why should they stop as long as it works with dummies?
BTW, didja know emperor Obama also used that sekrit White Power sign? But when HE used it, it just meant "okay."
Context, baby.

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