May 26, 2019

Just another day in a liberal/Democrat-run "sanctuary state"

If you love dogs you may not want to read this story.

No one denies that all races and cultures have a small percentage of absolutely insane, deranged people--who do insane, deranged things.  That seems to be a constant of nature:  There's no way to keep people from being crazy.

The question then becomes, What do the presumably sane people do when a monster--whether evil or "just" insane/deranged--commits a heinous, ghastly crime.

The answer, in case you just arrived on this planet, is that the idiot liberals who run far, far too many states and cities, quickly release the monster with barely a slap on the wrist.  Because, fairness, citizen.

After all, punishing a member of a "protected class" would be just too, too unfair.


Example #956,453:  In the Left-liberal cesspool that is Democrat-ruled Oregon, an "undocumented American" (i.e. an illegal alien invader) raped a Lhasa Apso to death.  But Fidel Lopez--an illegal alien and future Democrat voter--got the sanctuary treatment:  60 days.

Because Lopez was an illegal alien, ICE served local law enforcement with a "detainer," asking that this monster be turned over to them for deportation.  But as you already guessed (because we've seen it every time from "sanctuary states") the moonbats running Oregon ignored this request and released Lopez back into the community.

Sweet, eh?  Oregon is a sanctuary state for illegal aliens, though not for small dogs.

Insane.  But by all means, vote Democrat.  Cuz we need more of this type of awfulness.

H/T Moonbattery.


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