AOC claimed only 12 years left, then "kidding;" now 67% of Dems believe only 12 years left
If you follow politics you may recall that a few months ago--January, if you're picky--Democrat congresswoman Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez claimed the world would END in just 12 years if "we"--the U.S.--didn’t stop "climate change" (formerly "global warming").
When virtually all conservatives--and even a few Democrats--laughed about her "OMG-we're-all-gonna-die!" claim, she quickly claimed she was just kidding, and that conservatives were irredeemably dumb for taking her literally--unlike the cool kids who knew she was just kidding or something.
Her exact statement was "You’d have to have the intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal."
Well apparently Democrats not only didn’t think she was kidding, but unlike conservatives, totally believed her "OMG" prediction of doom in a dozen years: according to a Rasmussen poll released today a staggering 67 percent of Democrats believe Ocasio-Cortez’s dozen-years-to-doom warning was and is both literal and accurate.
What accounts for this huge increase? Simple: The lying, Dem-supporting mainstream media.
"Wait," I hear my liberal friend saying. "If the media are biased in favor of the Dems, why would the media push AOC's absurd claim that we have only 12 years before the end of the world unless we..."?
Simple: Even though rational people realize AOC's claim is absurd, repeating it endlessly peels independent voters away from conservatives and toward the Democrats, with their insane "green new deal" scheme.
The mainstream media claims conservatives are trying to claim AOC is the new face of the Democrat party, yet her influence on the party is undeniable. Her positions on climate change, impeachment, and
other issues have become mainstream in the Democratic Party. Pelosi may be speaker but AOC has become the de facto
leader of the Democratic party.
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