May 30, 2019

Dems find a way to stop construction of border wall built with private money on private land

How committed are Democrats to open borders?  Check this chronology:
  1.  Rulings from left/dem judges force the administration to quickly release anyone who enters the U.S. illegally if they have a child with them;
  2.  Word of this ruling spreads instantly, resulting in a ten-fold increase in the number of invaders bringing children with them.  Illegals who don't have kids can rent them (literally).
  3.  Trump asks congress for money to add more secure border wall (right now there are huge gaps);
  4.  Democrat-controlled House refuses;
  5.  Trump declares that the invasion of 100,000 illegals per month constitutes an emergency; uses his Constitutional authority to re-direct unused military funds to close gaps in wall;
  6.  Democrats sue to prevent Trump from using these funds, claim there is NO crisis at the border;
  7.  A private citizen sets up a fund to build lengths of wall using PRIVATE donations;
  8.  Mainstream media ridicules the man and the goal;
  9.  Americans concerned about 100,000 illegals entering the U.S. every month quickly donate $10 million; uh-oh.
  10.  Four days ago his organization begins construction, on private land; Democrats quickly huddle to find a way to stop wall being build with private funds, on private land.  "Oooh, what to do??  We had our judges block government funding, but how can they legally block private funding."
  11.  Solution!  Democrat mayor of the "town" where the wall is being built orders construction company to stop work--on the grounds that the fence's 18-foot height exceeds the city's allowed fence height of six feet.  Yay!  Mission accomplished.
  12.  Congressional Democrats rush to appear before cameras to assure Americans that they really really really support "border security" and are NOT for open borders, but that a wall does NOT increase security.  Instead what will make the border secure is...cameras.  Yes.  Because all good people agree that walls are cruel.  And they don't work.  That's why people like Nancy Pelosi don't build such useless, expensive things around their multi-million-dollar estates.

If you'd tried to tell people a month after 9/11 (for college-age Americans that was when 19 Muslims hijacked four passenger jets, crashed two into the World Trade Center towers and a third into the Pentagon) that less than 18 years later Democrats would be pushing for open borders/ unlimited immigration by anyone, no one would have believed it.


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