March 04, 2019

"Activist" judge rules 14-year-old girl can take male hormone injections over parents' objections

Canada has some wonderful people, but its government is as power-drunk and overbearing as any socialist EU nation.  For example, this story:

Last week the Supreme Court of British Columbia ordered that a 14-year-old girl be allowed to start a program of testosterone injections--designed to make her appear more masculine--even though her parents objected. 

Wait, it gets worse:

The court also ruled that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns, or addressed her by her birth name, the court would consider them "guilty of family violence."

When the girl was 12 her school counselor "encouraged her" to "identify as a boy." The next year a rat-bastard-socialist doctor-- Brenden Hursh-- and his colleagues at BC Children’s Hospital decided the girl--then just 13--should begin a regime of testosterone injections, to give her a more masculine appearance, despite her father's objections

The girl's father suspected his daughter’s desire to change gender was mainly caused by mental health issues, and he was concerned that the changes caused by injecting male hormones would be irreversible, meaning that if his then-13-year-old daughter ever changed her mind it would be too late.  He believed it would be better for his young daughter to wait until she was older before undergoing an irreversible medical procedure.

At that point--as you could have guessed--the nutty government doc, Hursh, told the father that he (the "doctor") would begin testosterone injections despite the dad's objections.  That is, he ruled that the decision of a troubled 13-year-old would override the father's decision.  The doc claimed he had the legal right to do this under some goofy law.

The dad went to court to get an injunction to prevent this, but last week a pro-tranny judge  ruled that the now-14-year-old had the right to change gender regardless of her parents' objections.

Further, the court ruled that if the parents even tried to persuade their daughter not to continue the injection regime, or addressed her "by his birth name," or referred to their daughter as a girl, or used female pronouns "whether to him directly or to third parties," it would be considered "family violence."

Turns out the majority of children that sex-change clinics claim want to change gender end up embracing their biological sex after the confusion wears off.  The father also cited recent reports from England indicating that some sex-change clinics hae bowed to intense pressure from trans activists to rush children into hormone treatments at a young age, despite their parents objections.

Throughout a recent interview the 14-year-old's father continued to refer to his daughter as a girl, “because she is a girl. Her DNA will not change through all these experiments that they do.”  He realized the court might find him guilty of violating its order against referring to his daughter as a girl but felt he could not honestly take any other stand.

If you think this isn't coming to the U.S. you haven't been paying attention.  California has already passed a law against trying to talk children out of a gender-change pushed by activists.

Original story here.


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