February 28, 2019

Bernie Sanders pumps Dems' "Medicare for All" plan; implies it's free health care

On CNN (a.k.a. the Communist News Network), Dem presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was asked about this faaabulous new "totally free!" offer from the Democrats, called "Medicare for all."  Specifically, he was asked 'If you socialist rat-bastards wonderful, compassionate, brilliant, caring Democrats manage to ram this disaster through pass this wonderful piece of compassionate socialism, will Americans who like their current private health insurance be able to keep it?'

Bernie answered "No, BUT...," but proceeded to tell CNN's audience something so misleading as to amount to a lie:  "BUT they won't be paying ANY private health insurance premiums either!!"


But think for a second:  Unless the socialist/Democrats plan to cut the total amount of health care, the total cost won't drop a penny.

"Wait," I hear my liberal PhD friend say.  "Since companies wanna make a profit, if the Democrat law takes all the companies out of the loop, we save all the money that would have gone into the companies' profits!  See??!  Geez, you Trumpkins are so stupid!"

Ah.  But just a second, doc:  How many people do ya think the gruberment will have to hire to manage all the records and payments for health care for all 340-million Americans (including illegal aliens)?  Cuz unless you think the private insurance companies are paying employees to sit on their ass and surf the internet, it's gonna take about 20 percent MORE gruberment employees to do the same job as their private counterparts.  And the retirement alone for gruberment employees is roughly 70 percent more than their private-sector counterparts.

So if the gruberment takes it all over, it's gonna cost more, not less.

But let's be generous and say it's a wash--that the cost won't change.  Then if no one is paying insurance premiums, where will all the money come from?

You may notice that Bernie, AOC, Kamala Fear-this, Fauxcahontas and Booker are being VERY coy about this point.  Cuz the truth is, the cost will be covered either by higher taxes (a long-time Democrat goal) or more government borrowing.

So if costs won't drop a penny, why did Bernie loudly tell the audience--shaking his finger for emphasis!--that "You won't be paying any private health insurance premiums"?

Because they WANT their dumb base to believe that under the proposed Dem law, they'll get health care for FREE (YAY!!!)  In other words, the "you won't pay" was deliberately intended to make dummies think they'd be getting their health covered for FREE.

Well, we'll admit SOME U.S. residents will get free health care:  illegal aliens, and those who refuse to work.  Helluva deal, eh?

This, students, is the constant siren song of socialism:  "Vote for us and we'll give you stuff for FREE, citizen!"

That was how Chavez came to power in Venezuela--which once had the highest per-capita income in all of Latin America.  Now they're starving, having eaten all the zoo animals years ago.

But don't worry, citizen:  Bernie and Kamala Harris and AOC are planning to head to Venezuela next week and show 'em the RIGHT way to do socialism!  Maduro has said he welcomes the help from the best minds in the Democrat party.

Curiously, Maduro is NOT welcoming actual food aid from the U.S.  Seriously, he's ordered his troops to prevent civilian trucks groaning with tons of food donated by the U.S. from entering his country.

Cuz as one U.S. leftist put it last week, "Stories of starving Venezuelans are all fake news, put out by the Trump administration to make Americans wary of socialism!"

Yeah, I'm so believing that.  Aren't you?

Here's Bernie:


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