Latest faabulous new deal from Democrats: "Green New Deal"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a dumb, malevolent lunatic--and just one of the socialist Democrats supporting a faabuous new Democrat proposal she calls the Green New Deal. It's also supported by other top Dems Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren,
Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker. Joe "hands" Biden is expected to sign on in a couple of weeks.
The stated reason is to cut CO2 emissions, but we'll let you decide for yourself what the REAL reason is.
If the Dems get this deal passed into LAW, as they want, this proposal would require the U.S, within 11 years, to totally stop using one of the cleanest fuels ever--natural gas. Which, they hasten not to tell you, currently provides about 32 percent of America’s energy, And of course they also want to eliminate coal--which, they hasten to avoid telling you, provides almost 18 percent of America’s electricity.
The Democrats' proposal also demands that the U.S. stop using oil and its major derivative, gasoline. Oil, they hasten to avoid mentioning, currently supplies another 28 percent of our energy.
So to this point the folks being led by 26-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have called for banning the source of 78 percent of our energy. But never fear, citizen: They don't want you to freeze in the dark, or switch to bicycles. So what do they propose to replace all this energy? Could it be a source that doesn't directly produce any carbon dioxide or air pollution: nuclear power?
Hahahahahahaha! If you believe that I want whatever you're smoking!
In reality the "Green New Deal" also calls for closing all nuclear powerplants too — which, they studiously ignore, produces another 10 percent of our energy.
In other words, within eleven years the Democrats' “Green New Deal” would ban the use of sources that now supply 88 percent of our energy. And they'd replace it with...what?
Not clean hydroelectric power, because dams fill beautiful valleys with nasty ol' water. Can't have that! So what does that leave?
Unless Ocasio-Cortez has been working on her PhD in fusion physics in her spare time, it leaves solar and wind.
Forget the practical difficulties: From just an economic standpoint alone, there's no way to do this and still maintain anything remotely like our current standard of living. What the bill would do is raise the cost of energy so much that ordinary people would be priced out of the market.
Think carefully, young people: do you want the cost of energy to jump tenfold, while wealthy elites can continue to have it? Really?
For my students: back around 1975 some zealous social engineers decided wealth and private business were eeevil, because it just wasn't fair that some people had more than others. The country was Cambodia, and the engineers were the Khmer Rouge--communists. By the time they were finally defeated they'd executed one-quarter of the population of Cambodia.
But don't worry, citizen: Your Democrat leaders would never even think about anything that awful. They just want you to switch to electric cars, keep you homes colder in winter and stop using air conditioning, and plastic, (Think I'm kidding? They've already banned plastic straws.)
But hey, it's a "Green" deal! And it's "New!" And best of all, it's got virtue-credits!
These days, leftists would regard a body count on that scale as a good start but insufficient to perfect the weather through reduction of carbon emissions. Jim Geraghty has a look at the fine print of the Green New Deal:
The stated reason is to cut CO2 emissions, but we'll let you decide for yourself what the REAL reason is.
If the Dems get this deal passed into LAW, as they want, this proposal would require the U.S, within 11 years, to totally stop using one of the cleanest fuels ever--natural gas. Which, they hasten not to tell you, currently provides about 32 percent of America’s energy, And of course they also want to eliminate coal--which, they hasten to avoid telling you, provides almost 18 percent of America’s electricity.
The Democrats' proposal also demands that the U.S. stop using oil and its major derivative, gasoline. Oil, they hasten to avoid mentioning, currently supplies another 28 percent of our energy.
So to this point the folks being led by 26-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have called for banning the source of 78 percent of our energy. But never fear, citizen: They don't want you to freeze in the dark, or switch to bicycles. So what do they propose to replace all this energy? Could it be a source that doesn't directly produce any carbon dioxide or air pollution: nuclear power?
Hahahahahahaha! If you believe that I want whatever you're smoking!
In reality the "Green New Deal" also calls for closing all nuclear powerplants too — which, they studiously ignore, produces another 10 percent of our energy.
In other words, within eleven years the Democrats' “Green New Deal” would ban the use of sources that now supply 88 percent of our energy. And they'd replace it with...what?
Not clean hydroelectric power, because dams fill beautiful valleys with nasty ol' water. Can't have that! So what does that leave?
Unless Ocasio-Cortez has been working on her PhD in fusion physics in her spare time, it leaves solar and wind.
Forget the practical difficulties: From just an economic standpoint alone, there's no way to do this and still maintain anything remotely like our current standard of living. What the bill would do is raise the cost of energy so much that ordinary people would be priced out of the market.
Think carefully, young people: do you want the cost of energy to jump tenfold, while wealthy elites can continue to have it? Really?
For my students: back around 1975 some zealous social engineers decided wealth and private business were eeevil, because it just wasn't fair that some people had more than others. The country was Cambodia, and the engineers were the Khmer Rouge--communists. By the time they were finally defeated they'd executed one-quarter of the population of Cambodia.
But don't worry, citizen: Your Democrat leaders would never even think about anything that awful. They just want you to switch to electric cars, keep you homes colder in winter and stop using air conditioning, and plastic, (Think I'm kidding? They've already banned plastic straws.)
But hey, it's a "Green" deal! And it's "New!" And best of all, it's got virtue-credits!
These days, leftists would regard a body count on that scale as a good start but insufficient to perfect the weather through reduction of carbon emissions. Jim Geraghty has a look at the fine print of the Green New Deal:
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