December 15, 2018

Liberals demand that a six-foot-two, 220-pound male be allowed to compete as a female, cuz, fairness

If you're bored sometime, ask a member of the LGBT community if they intended to have six-foot two-inch 220-pound men competing against women.

Cuz that's what's happening now, at the demand (there's that word again) of the tranny mafia, with the full support of correct-thinking, virtue-signalling liberals.

In the latest example, a transgender handballer is dominating at the women’s Asian Championships in Japan.  Of course he is...since he used to play for the Australian men’s handball team, but liberal political-correctness now allows him to compete against women. 
He's allowed to compete as a female because it's a fundamental principle of liberal dogma that men can, at will, declare they're women, and vice-versa.

It's so simple, comrade.  Only a counter-revolutionary could possibly disagree, da?

The guy also wanted to play in the Australian Football League Women’s, but amazingly, common sense prevailed.  He/she raged that not letting him play as a woman was due to his weight, height, and testosterone level--which he claimed was “body shaming” (a trendy term for a thought crime).  But in a rare burst of sanity that league's officials stood firm.

The obvious question for LGBTs is, do they push to allow trannies to compete against women because they believe it advances the LGBT agenda--even at the obvious cost of unfair competition in womens' sports?  Or do they really, truly believe the bullshit that male-to-female trannies are legitimately female and thus allowing them to compete as women really is fair to genetically- authentic women?

Seems like it's gotta be one or the other.  But then again I'm not politically sophisticated like the LGBT crowd so I'm probably missing something obvious.  Maybe my liberal friends can 'splain it to me.  Because we know there can't be any contradictions in the new liberal philosophy.

One last observation:  You'd think at least a few women's sports associations would be objecting loudly to this trend.  But unless I've missed it, I haven't found a single search hit showing such an objection being reported by the U.S. mainstream media. 

Seems as though there can only be three possible reasons for this.  Either a) all women's sports organizations are fine with it; or b) they have objected, loudly, but the pro-gay, pro-tranny mainstream media doesn't want to report it; or c) women's sports organizations do see the obvious unfairness of allowing men to compete as women, but have decided to keep quiet--perhaps because they think it's more important for women's organizations to maintain solidarity with the LGBT community, and fully worth throwing genetic-authentic women under the bus to do that.

Seems to me that parents who have daughters competing in sports would find those reasons very unpersuasive.  And indeed, many parents have complained.

To no effect whatsoever.  Hmmm....


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