Latest scheme from the "humans-burning-fossil-fuels-are-killing-the-planet" crowd
The same crowd of moronic faux-scientists who claim that a) global warming is caused by humans; and b) it's being driven by increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, have now proposed an equally crazy, dangerous scheme to cool the planet.
Cuz they're really really brilliant, and have created "computer models" that they say enable them to predict all sorts of things you never imagined would happen.
And you simply have to pay attention to them, cuz leftist activists will immediately condemn anyone who doesn't as a "climate denier." Or a "hater." Or worse.
So their latest proposal is that a few--the really really smaht ones, of course--want to reduce heating of the planet by dumping huge amounts of sulfates into the upper atmosphere. These sulfates will reflect sunlight, cooling things off.
What could possibly go wrong? These people should be nominated for the Nobel right away! And you can bet that the next time Americans are dumb enough to elect a Democrat like Hilliary or Obozo as president, that person will jump right on this idiotic idea, cuz they want to signal how virtuous they are and how much they care about the environment.
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