October 19, 2017

How crazy have the libs gotten? November "Playmate of the Month" is...a transgender man

This doesn't seem to be a parody, and shows how totally screwed this country has become:  Playboy Magazine's "playmate of the month" for November is...a transgender man.

The website uses all female pronouns in describing this person--a total bow to the gods of political correctness.

Warning:  If you have a weak stomach, don't click on the link.  What has been seen can't be unseen.

I know the U.S. took a huge dive into the cesspool during the eight years that emperor Obama occupied the White House, but I didn't think it had actually gotten this bad.

A sane person has to wonder:  Who the hell makes astonishingly dumb-ass decisions like this?  I realize that all corporate execs are now politically-correct, so not one would ever stand up and object to such a dumb decision, for fear of getting fired from their cushy six-figure jobs.  But who do they think reads Playboy?  Lesbians?  Gay pencil-neck metrosexuals?  Congress-creeps whose favor the execs want to curry, to enhance their careers?

I write this as someone who's never subscribed to the mag and hasn't picked one up in 40 years.  Don't care if they go bankrupt.  Just curious as to how things came to such an awful state.

And yes, I do blame Democrats and everyone who demands that we all bow to the altar of trans-gender snowflakes.  Yes, the emperor Obama pushed it (and pushed, and pushed), but he couldn't have done what he did without your endless, unflagging support, Democrats.

You people OWN this.  I'm not sure you know what you've done, but I hope you realize it eventually.


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