February 02, 2014

A few questions--nailed to the door of the U.S. Capitol building

What if the government is pressuring the cellular service providers to let them get a record of the numbers we call and where we go?  (Hint: Two providers have already said that's true.) What could you do about it?

You say you'd invoke the Constitution's protection against warrantless search?  Good luck--because the Supreme Court has long since implicitly ruled that the Constitution is no longer the supreme law of this nation.
Employees of the federal government routinely do things in clear violation of what the laws say they can do (example: IRS applying vastly different standards to liberal versus conservative political-action groups).  How do you propose to stop that from happening?

When Obama's hand-picked "Director of National Intelligence" appeared before congress--under oath--and was asked if the government was collecting certain types of telephone use data on Americans, he flat-out, brazenly lied.  Yet he wasn't fired, which suggests that Obama approves of this behavior.  What message does this send to other government managers about lying to congress?  How do we stop that?

The president sold congress and the country a Trojan horse called the "Affordable Care Act"--partly by brazenly and falsely telling Americans--on 40 occasions--that under the proposed law, if you liked your doctor and insurance plan you could keep them.

It turned out to be a brazen lie, yet he's still president and all the Democrats who voted for it (not a single Republican in the House and only two RINOs in the senate did) are still in office.  What can you do about it?

ObamaCare made insurance coverage so expensive that some people lost their jobs because their employers could not afford to pay the huge extra cost required under the new law.  Over six million Americans lost their insurance coverage overnight and most haven’t gotten replacement coverage yet.  And with very few exceptions what they're getting is a lot more expensive and comes with huge deductibles.  But if you're one of those people, what are your options?

Some of the president's supporters claim this was the president’s plan all along, so that he could orchestrate an even more grasping government takeover of the health insurance industry called "single-payer."  Wow, sounds even better, eh?  And your options would be...?

There's evidence that the CIA told the president right away that the Benghazi attack was not just a spontaneous protest by fanatics who were upset about a video posted on the internet.  Yet for three weeks  his appointees claimed it was all sparked by a video.

The record is clear that the president dispatched his then-U.N. ambassador to all the Sunday TV talk-shows to advance this falsehood, and later tried to reward her by nominating her to be the next secretary of state.  This was later withdrawn when it became clear she'd be grilled during the required confirmation hearings.

The president's lackeys claim the unemployment rate is 6.7 percent but so many people have stopped looking for jobs that it is really 10.2 percent.

The number of American residents on food stamps has jumped from 28 million to almost 48 million during Obama's term in office.  Yet he refuses to take even the tiniest pro-job action, such as approving the northern leg of the Keystone pipeline.  And continues to encourage the EPA to issue job-killing regulations.

The president unilaterally raised the minimum wage to be paid to workers on federal projects.  Nice if you're a federal employee, but what is the constitutional provision authorizing him to do that without a law?  None.  But what can you do?

The Constitution explicitly orders that the president enforce the laws of the land, and the courts have ruled that the president can't unilaterally amend or postpone the effective dates of federal laws.  But he's done that repeatedly.  Yet despite violating the Constitution, he hasn't been impeached and removed from office.
Now consider this:  Obamacare, "Fast and Furious," the illegal bankruptcy reorganizations of GM and Chrysler, and "Cash for Clunkers" all came in Obozo's first term. Since second-term presidents don't have to worry about re-election, those bent on doing harm are greatly unburdened.

This president already believes he answers to no one, and has violated the Constitution repeatedly.  What will he try during his second term?  If you're a hard-working, tax-paying, family-oriented American, chances are 99 percent that you won't like it.  But what can you do about it ?


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