February 01, 2014

Interviewer asks Obama supporters "How did you like the SOTU speech?"...before it happened

Do ya ever worry just a little that "low-information voters" may have become a majority in this country?  (Cuz that would mean that even if you could prove to 'em that candidate X was an America-hating communist, they'd still vote for him/her as long as the guy/gal promised 'em lotsa shit.)

Well in that case, welcome to the "NO-information voter"--people who invent stuff that hasn't happened yet, as long as it reflects favorably on their worldview.

Obozo's "State of the Coup" speech was last Tuesday.  Before the speech an interviewer (with video rolling) asked a bunch of people how they liked it.


Cuz, see, the speech hadn't happened yet, right?  But that little detail didn't slow down our eager respondents one bit.

How did they like the speech?  Why, they *loved* it!  The interviewer asked them what they liked best, or what they thought about Boehner falling asleep, or about the president's controversial tie, and all of 'em filled in every bit of detail you could imagine--about an event that hadn't happened.

Stay classy, Democrats.


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