August 26, 2013

Why is it that the strongest supporters of Obamacare all want to be exempt from its provisions?

Adapted from Mark Steyn:

Last Wednesday the Nevada AFL-CIO passed a resolution declaring that the laughably-misnamed Affordable Care Act "will lead to the destruction of the 40-hour work week.”  That’s quite an accomplishment for something touted as a “health” “care” “reform” law.

The same union bosses who supported Obamacare so strongly are now claiming they should be entitled to the same opt-outs secured by big business and congressional staffers.  It says everything you need to know about a law when virtually everyone who supports it doesn't want to be bound by its provisions.

Meanwhile the University of Virginia announced that it would stop giving health insurance to working spouses of its employees--because the Affordable Care Act has made it too costly to continue doing so.

As Nancy Pelosi famously said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.”  But one of the unsolvable problems with the Affordable Care Act is that it means whatever President Obama says it means on any particular day of the week.

I am *so* delighted you Democrats passed this monster--and so underhandedly, too.  You own it--every single, ghastly provision.  One of the reasons you supported it was Obama's claim that 40 or 50 or 60 million Americans didn't have health insurance, and the bill would fix that.

And this alleged "fix" was....taxpayers will be forced to *pay for* health insurance for anyone who didn't have it.

Hey, that's SO clever!  Why didn't we think of that earlier?  You can fix problems simply by demanding that the federal government (i.e. taxpayers) pay for it!  Who knew?

Of course, since we have chronic yearly deficits as far as the eye can see, the extra cost really just ups our national debt--on which the gummint must pay interest.  But don't worry, citizen:  It's really none of your concern.  And at current rates the interest only costs us $270 Billion or so a year.  Nothing, really.

Well played, Democrats!


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