June 16, 2012

The Holder standoff...with a twist.

A congressional committee has demanded that Attorney=General Eric Holder turn over certain specified documents that would shed light on when said A-G knew about a certain operation that was running guns to Mexican drug cartels.

Said A-G intially responded with the diplomatic equivalent of "fuck you," but a day or two later has mysteriously become far more magnanimous: "I'm willing to sit down with you and tell you what documents I'm willing to turn over, and that is far more generous than you--as a mere congresswhore of the Eeevil party--deserve. So you must now negotiate with me, or we will have our allies in the media depict you and your eeevil party as Obstructionist, Raaacist and anti-American."

In response to this curious stance, a commenter at Wretchard's place wrote a mock news story:
Late yesterday Attorney General Eric Holder was abducted and flown to Mexico. He was tried in the morning and executed this afternoon.

The Senator from Texas said he knew nothing about it and claimed to be shocked about the whole affair.
I have to admit I find this...instructive. I suggest that if some invisible body existed that would see to it that any pol or appointee who violated the Constitution was abducted, duly tried--and if found guilty of high crimes, promptly executed--the number of others either overtly or clumsily deciding to do the same thing would drop to a vanishingly small number.

It's sorta like waterboarding: It offends our sensibilities but it sure as hell seems to work, virtually every time.



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