April 26, 2012

Dem-controlled Senate flouts law for 3 years; MSM yawns

A 1974 law (the "Congressional Budget Act"),  requires that the senate produce a budget for the operation of the government by April 15th of each year.

As you may know, the U.S. senate is controlled by the Democrats.  You probably haven't heard that this Dem-controlled senate hasn't produced a budget since 2009.

They have violated a duly-passed law. Repeatedly.

Democrat propagandists may slyly imply that although they technically have a majority of seats in the senate, they couldn't get a budget passed due to Rethuglican obstruction.  You know, that "filibuster" tactic.  Happens all the time, see?

Oops.  Budget measures can't be filibustered.  And of course the Dem senate didn't even try to pass a budget.


One reasonable conclusion from this is that the Democrats in the senate see no need to obey those silly things called "laws."  They simply don't apply to congress, see.  "We make laws, we don't obey 'em!"

And of course the Lying Media barely utters a word about it.  Because not having a budget means Lord Obama and his minions in congress are free to spend any amount they like, without debate or discussion.

How many headline stories about this willful defiance by the senate of a duly-passed law of the land do you think you'd you have seen if the senate was under Republican control?


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