July 16, 2011

How big is the "government" in the U.S.?

Just how big is government here in the U.S., compared to other countries? Try this:

China has 1.4 billion people (give or take a few million). That's 1,400 million. Their economy kicks out a gdp valued at around $5 Trillion.

For 2011, combined spending of U.S. federal, state, city and county governments is projected to be about... $5 Trillion. In other words, all levels of the US governments combined will spend an amount equal to the entire economic output of China.

"Our" federal government alone spends more ($3.7 Trillion) than the value of the entire gdp of Germany--which is certainly a world-class economy at $3.3 Trillion.

I do realize a lot of what governments do is cut checks to citizens, so it's not like we're spending $3.7 Trillion on bureaucrats' salaries, but still, it gives an idea of how vast the federal govt has become.


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