May 20, 2021

First new "tax credit" payments--up to $300 per child--will go out July 15. $288 Billion per year. Say WHAT?

Denials by Democrats and their Media allies notwithstanding, inflation is rising quickly.  Gee, why do you think that is, eh?

It's because the Democrat Biden*Harris regime--enthusiastically supported by Democrat congressjerks--have opened the floodgates of "free money," giving hundreds of billions of dollars to people for not working.

See, first the Democrats locked everyone at home, shutting down virtually all commerce, using the Chinese bioweapon as a pretext.  Then to keep newly-unemployed voters voting for Democrats, they began handing out vast amounts of cash.

But as more thinking voters began to question whether "free money" was actually "free," Democrats switched to a slicker way to hand out that "free money" without alerting voters.  It's called “tax credits.”

The beauty of a tax credit for Dems is that UNLIKE the more familiar "deduction," a tax credit allows the Dems' favored constituents to get big checks from da gruberment even if they don't pay any taxes.  Is that faaaabulous or what?

If you're a hard-working American earning, say, $50,000 per year, you may think a "tax credit" is the same as a reduction in your adjusted gross income.  And for you, that's true.  But someone whose main income is welfare, and who doesn't make enough from actual work to have to file, gets an actual check.

So...last week the U.S. Treasury Department announced that under the Democrat-passed bill charmingly mis-named "the American Rescue Plan," the first monthly payment of an expanded child tax credit will be made on July 15.  About 39 million "eligible households" will get automatic payments of up to $300 per month for each child under age 6 and up to $250 per month for each child age 6 and older.

If that figure of "39 million eligible families is correct, and the average eligible family has two kids, it looks as though this Dem scheme will cost taxpayers out around $24 BILLION per MONTH.  Surely that can't be right, cuz that'd be $288 BILLION per year.  Geez, can anyone check my math? don't think this "free money" will spur people who can’t afford to raise their children to have more children, do ya?  I mean, that's just crazytalk, eh?  And people who claim this is exactly the same policy that destroyed the black family during the Great Society freebies are just raaaacists, eh?  

Of course giving all that "free money" to inner-city residents did have some wonderful effects: It produced a massive, reliable voting block for Democrat candidates.  And it made inner cities vibrant and clean and beautiful, right?  So no wonder Team Bi-den*Harris want to keep doing what's worked so well in the past.

So since the gruberment is already spending more than it takes in, how do the Dems propose to pay the for this multi-hundred-billion-dollar giveaway?

Why, by printing more money--which is guaranteed to stoke the fires of inflation.  Which means that a hamburger that costs three bucks today will soon cost ten bucks.  This has the effect of wiping out the value of savings.  In other words, the supposedly “free” money is actually quietly stolen from everyone who has savings or is living on a fixed income.

Armies of "activists" will cite this cruel inflation to demand that congress constantly raise the “tax credits,” just like Social Security, worsening the inflationary spiral.  No politician will try to put a stop to the insanity will stand a chance of getting elected, because free money is as addictive as crack--though not as healthy.

Employers have already realize they can't pay high enough wages to compete with Democrats who are paying people not to work.  That’s why there are millions of unfilled jobs (i.e. a labor shortage) despite huge numbers of people unemployed.  The new "free money" checks will make it even harder to get people back to work.

Eventually the biggest employer will be government.  There's a word for that:  “communism.”

And if you can't believe much of this is real, click here to read the Treasury Department's own listing of spending under the bullshit "American Rescue Plan."  It's so outrageous that you won't believe it. 

Source: Moonbattery 


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