July 22, 2019

Palestinian congresswoman introduces bill to "completely repeal the GOP tax" cuts

Freshman Democrat representative Rashida Tlaib brags that she's introduced a bill that will "completely repeal the GOP tax cuts."

Oh, wait:  She didn't quite say "tax cuts."  She said "tax scam, that is only helping the rich."
TLAIB: “Recently I introduced the BOOST Act. This legislation completely repeals the GOP tax scam that is only helping wealthy individuals, the rich, the corporations. And do you know what I did with that money?  Do you know what I said?  We are going to go ahead and put it into the pockets of folks like everyday Americans. If you make less than $100,000 you are going to get up to $6000 in your pocket, and if you make less than $50,000 you’re going to get $3000. That’s what we do with our public dollars. We give it back to the people, the people that earned it.”

First, consider her statement "And do you know what I did with that money?"  Hey, moron:  You didn't do jack-shit with it.  You introduced a bill--meaning you've proposed to do something. 

Either you're too damn stupid to know--or maybe just too deluded/crazy to know--that your bill has to go thru a LOT of hoops to become an actual, y'know, law--not least of which is that even if it passes the senate, it still doesn't become LAW unless the president of the whole f'n United States signs it.

But of course you're not worried about that, cuz if it passes both houses you're sure Hilliary will sign it straightaway, right?

Oh wait...remind me again:  who's president?

Tlaib calls her "free cash" bill "BOOST"--Building Our Opportunities to Survive and Thrive.  Cute, eh?  Of course the Communists are SO good at giving cutesie names to bills designed to take your hard-earned wages and give 'em to someone else--who will then vote Democrat, eh? 

Sleazy, corrupt presidential candidate Kamala Harris coined the "LIFT Act." 

Sleazy, corrupt presidential candidate Cory Booker coined the "Rise Act."  But all 3 bills do the same thing: they are--to use the Democrat euphemism-- "policy solutions to the rising cost of living and increased income inequality."

Or as the rest of us would say, taking your money and giving it to people who can't afford both their illegal drugs of choice and rent.  In other words, Democrat voters.  (Yeah, I know:  lots of non-Dems in the same wagon.  Ya got me.)

Oh, and hey Rashida, I've got an even better idea:  If you love taking money from earners and giving it to "the poor," why not give away, say, half of your exorbitant congressional salary, eh?  Would you do that first, and then tell us how you liked the result?  Sure, you bet.

So again, give away, say, just half your salary.

Ya know, Rashida, that's such a great idea that it may just catch on!  In fact, isn't there a guy in DC who goes that even one better?  I hear he gives away his ENTIRE salary.  Can't recall his name offhand but I'm sure you could find out.  I do have his address, though, if you're smart enough to figure it out from there:
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Say, as fired up as you are about giving money away--like yours--I really think you should match this guy's public spiritedness.  I hear he wants to Keep America Great.  You probably do too, eh?

Uh-huh.  And do let us know how that works out for ya, ya commie bitch.

[For Newsweek's take on this crap, click here.]


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