January 10, 2014

Democrats: "We should let undocumented immigrants vote *even if they're not citizens.* It's the only fair thing to do."

It's been well documented that poor immigrants favor the Democratic party by about 98 to 2.  So it's not at all surprising that Democrats want to give amnesty and citizenship to every illegal alien--even those who have committed crimes the Dems can wave away as "minor."

But just in case they can't get this done, they've got a Plan B:  Push to let illegal aliens vote even if they're not citizens.

Naturally you think I'm kidding--you think that's such a goofy, outrageous idea that the Dems would never, ever even propose it, for fear of the firestorm they'd unleash.

Think again, cupcake.

The idea has already been floated, most recently in the latest issue of the leftist mag "The Atlantic," in a story titled "Immigrant voting: not a crazy idea." 

The main buzzword is "disenfranchised."  The author knows this word resonates with his readers, and it's likely most of 'em will sign on to this Great New Cause on that basis alone.  Of course the fact that people who have entered the U.S. illegally after around 1920 have never been able to vote would seem to rebut the charge that they've been disenfranchised, but apparently the author hopes his readers will ignore this because a century ago a number of states allowed non-citizens to vote.

See how neatly he slipped that in?  If you'd entered the U.S. illegally before 1920 you would have been able to vote, he says, so the fact that the last state stopped letting non-citizens vote 90-some years ago means y'all have been disenfranchised.

Expect to see this idea pushed more and more by the Left.  Salivating at the prospect of owning the White House and congress for 50 years, Democrats are determined to give illegal immigrants the vote, even if they can't give 'em citizenship yet. 


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