July 01, 2013

Armed state agents pull a gun on Va college girls for...

The incident I'm about to describe is a perfect example of how out-of-control-government-- at all levels--too often does outrageous, lethally dangerous things to the ordinary citizens it's nominally supposed to protect.

The facts:  At 10:15 pm on April 11th a female college student (U.Va) and two female roommates went to a market.  They bought cookie dough, ice cream--and a 12-pack of LaCroix sparkling water.  Keep that last item in mind because it figures prominently in what happened.

While walking out to their car with their purchases, seven men in street clothes approached them.  Fearing they were about to be attacked, the girls jumped in their car and started the engine.  The men began trying to break the car windows, and one of them jumped on the hood of the car.  The girls also say one of the men pulled a gun. 

Turned out the men were from the state Alcoholic Beverage Control agency.

And why were the state's agents jumping on the hood of the car, trying to break the windows and pulling a gun? 

Just guess.  Did the employees at the market think the girls were shoplifting and call the cops?  Outstanding warrant, maybe?

Nope.  The agents thought the case of water the girls bought might have been...beer.

This level of fascist over-reaction is insane.  It served no useful purpose whatsoever, but was a "mob-type" response by men convinced they had the authority of the State to roust, intimidate and bash regular civilians.

It's a miracle--pure dumb luck--that no one got injured or killed.

The State (and by extension all levels of government) needs to be reigned in, firmly and soon.  Government agents--so far mostly at the less-well-trained local level--kill innocent people far too often for my comfort.

If you happen to know a retired cop who worked in a large-ish city, ask him what a "drop gun" is.  That might open your eyes a bit. 


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